ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 50 of 57
УЖМБС 2020, 5(1): 317–321
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Features of Research Potential Formation in Students of Higher Medical Institutions in Conditions of Innovative Technologies

Shastun N., Kalbus O., Makarov S., Bukreiva Y.

The article presents the problem of developing the research potential of students of medical higher educational institutions. The authors emphasized the importance of providing an innovative approach to medical education based on the effective interconnection of academic knowledge, research skills and practical skills. The authors pointed out such a problem in modern medical education as a lack of systematic approach to the formation of research skills in students. It is noted that the curricula of medical universities do not have a definite discipline that would develop these skills in future researchers. The authors considered the role of the forms and methods of education in students’ research skills formation, namely student scientific societies, schools of young scientists, etc. We also analyzed the role of the teacher and supervisor in the development of these qualities. Separately, the concept of academic mobility is considered, which, in the conditions of rapidly developing information technologies, has acquired a much larger scale and now include the so-called virtual mobility. The authors draw attention to the growing role of academic mobility in the process of shaping the research potential of students. The problem of personality formation and motivation in students of higher medical institutions was highlighted. For example, the role of students’ participation in social projects based on medical and educational institutions of the city was considered, which, according to the authors opinion, contributed to the formation of the right value orientations for the profession. The problem of motivation to increase the research potential of students was also highlighted. Conclusion. The authors believe that attention should be paid to both internal motivation for scientific activities (the need for knowledge, getting pleasure from the process of acquiring of new knowledge, the desire for intellectual self-improvement, etc.) and external motivation (the prospect to occupy a high position in society, highly paid job, etc.), which is the task not only for a medical higher educational institution, but also for the state on the whole. The advantages and disadvantages in the integration of scientific activities and education, as well as the development of university science and major scientific and educational centers in the state were discussed in the article. Aspects of the expansion of value orientations of medical schools in the profession were considered.

Keywords: science and technology potential, innovative technologies, academic mobility, integration of science and technology

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