ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 45
УЖМБС 2021, 6(6): 245–252

Morphofunctional State of the Mature Rats Pituitary Gland under Readaptation Conditions to the Long Influence of Heavy Metal Salts Complex and Correction with L-Tocopherol

Hryntsova N. B., Romanyuk A. M., Tymakova O. O., Khrin D. R.

The purpose of the study was to study the morphofunctional rearrangements of the structural components of the adenohypophysis of sexually mature male rats under the condition of a 30-day period of readaptation to the long-term influence of salts of heavy metals (zinc, copper, iron, manganese, lead and chromium) and taking a corrector drug. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out on 24 white sexually mature male rats, which were divided into 1 control and 1 experimental group. The experimental group consisted of rats that consumed ordinary drinking water for 30 days after 90 days of receiving water saturated with a combination of heavy metal salts: zinc (ZnSO4 7H2O) – 5 mg / l, copper (CuSO4 5H2O) mg / l, iron (FeSO4) – 10 mg / l, manganese (MnSO4 5H2O) – 0.1 mg / l, lead (Pb (NO3) 2) – 0.1 mg / l and chromium (K2Cr2O7) – 0.1 mg / l and L-tocopherol corrector. Results and discussion. With a 30-day period of readaptation to the action of a complex of salts of heavy metals, combined with the intake of a corrector drug L-tocopherol, morphological rearrangements of a nonspecific polymorphic nature developed in the structural components of the pituitary gland: compensatory hypertrophy and increased vascularization of the pituitary gland were observed, the state of rheological properties of the blood improved, the number of chromophiles increased and the number of chromophobes decreased, the processes of cyst formation disappeared, the stress from the adaptive processes in the glandulocytes of the adenohypophysis decreased, namely their secretory activity, the expression of Hsp90α receptors in the cytoplasm of adenocytes significantly increased. Negative rearrangements include an increased value of the fibrous component of the connective tissue of the intertrabecular spaces, increased collagenization of the wall of veins and capillaries, preservation of stromal edema, plethora of hemocapillaries, the presence of a small number of adenocytes with signs of vacuolization of the cytoplasm, balloon dystrophy. Conclusion. A comprehensive study of the structural components of the adenohypophysis of the test animals under the condition of a 30-day period of readaptation to long periods of consumption of heavy metal salts and correction with L-tocopherol certainly indicate a number of adaptive and regenerative morphofunctional changes aimed at reducing the stress of adaptive processes on the part of the adenohypophysis in response to cancel the action of the stress factor

Keywords: pituitary gland, heavy metal salts, readaptation, L-tocopherol

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