ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 49 of 50
УЖМБС 2021, 6(3): 366–373
Physical training and Sport. Reviews

Professional Competence of Instructors of Physical Training and Sports of Internal Affairs Bodies

Shvets V. L., Pavlova Iu. O., Bodnar I. R.

The existing model of professional training of police officers in Ukraine by many criteria does not meet the growing needs of society and generally accepted international democratic standards in this area. In these conditions, there is a growing need to reform the education system of future police officers in the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine. The purpose of the study was to clarify the components of the professional competence of instructors in physical training and sports of law enforcement agencies. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data of special scientific and methodical literature were used in the work, monitoring of information resources of the Internet was carried out. It is established that the current problems that need to be addressed are the lack of a system of centralized training of instructors in physical training and sports, imperfection of the system of implementation of scientific developments in the field of physical culture and sports in practical service and combat activities and failure to take into account the initial level of training of cadets. Results and discussion. The analysis of experience of armies of the leading countries of the world shows that one of characteristic aspects in the organization of preparation of experts in physical training and sports is a combination in performance of tasks of physical training and mass sports. As part of the centralized training of personnel, the practice of using simulation centers and the Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation software is widespread at the training courses for personnel of brigade headquarters (battalions). Promising areas for improving the professional training of instructors of physical training and sports are the use of distance, simulated learning, interactive, situational, game and project methods. Conclusion. Education of physical training and sports instructors requires a comprehensive approach and is carried out by a rational combination of basic types of training. It is established that the components of professional training of instructors of physical training and sports in military institutions are communicative, methodical, organizational-managerial and leadership competencies. The key issues of professional competence of instructors of physical training and sports are organizational and managerial skills. Organizational and managerial competence involves the formation of information-analytical, organizational, control and diagnostic skills. Important functions of heads of departments, instructors of physical training and sports are planning, definition of the purposes, coordination and the logical organization of professional activity of subordinates

Keywords: methodical preparation, communicative, organizational, managerial competences, instructors of physical training and sports, military

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