ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 66 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 486–491
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Analysis of Biomechanical Indicators of Motor Actions of Qualified Kickboxers

Korobeinikov G. V. 1, Volskii D. S. 1, Zhirnov A. V. 1, Chernozub A. A. 2

Appealing to data presented in the modern scientific-methodological literature, it can be argued that monitoring the biomechanical indicators of motor actions is an integral component of increasing the efficiency of the training process of combat sport athletes. There is high importance of using biomechanical technologies, methods and approaches in the practice of training today. In addition, the key to a highly competitive result of athletes is a thorough scientific search and implementation of ways to perform motor actions and optimization of skills in the context of increasing the level of sportsmanship. Material and methods. The study involved 31 kickboxer athletes aged 12-15 having the 1st grade qualification and being candidates for the ISKA Kickboxing Master of Sports in Ukraine. Carrying out the research does not contradict the norms of the Ukrainian legislation and meets the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities". The article presents the materials and results of the study of biomechanical indicators reflecting motor actions in qualified kickboxers. Results and discussion. The study established that in the implementation of movements of the type of shock action in kickboxing were involved both together with other types of movements and specific mechanisms of their construction. A common mechanism for all movements is the transfer of energy from massive parts of the body to less powerful ones and further to the object the blow is aimed at. The obtained results of the study of biomechanical indicators of basic kickboxer kick combinations that are part of the focus group, found high values of the coefficient of variation, indicating the heterogeneity of the groups, and, consequently, the kickboxer features with respect to these indicators. These data, in turn, allow us to state that it is the obtained indicators that reflect the characteristics of the individual manner of conducting a duel by athletes. At the same time, the obtained indicators do not contradict the statements of other scientists whose research sphere is also partially focused on this topic. Conclusion. The results of the study can be useful in assessing the level of technical training of kickboxers and should be taken into account in planning the training process.

Keywords: biomechanical characteristics, kickboxer movements, sportsmanship, individual style, conducting a fight

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