ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 36 of 57
УЖМБС 2020, 5(1): 241–245
Hygiene and Ecology

Biomonitoring of Lead Content in Bone Tissue of Residents of Ecological Contrast Territories of Dnepropetrovsk Region

Biletska E. M., Kalinicheva V. V., Onul N. M.

In the spectrum of the technogenic load of the population of industrialized cities, the problem of heavy metals is in the focus of scientific research. A special role among heavy metals belongs to lead, as an intergal indicator of technogenic environmental pollution, which has a tropism for human bone tissue, the ability to accumulate and its destruction. Material and methods. Biomonitoring (in 42 patients) was carried out morbidly by specialist clinicians. A homogeneous sample of the population was formed by gender, age (from 29 to 64 years), living at least 5 years in this city and had no occupational hazards, radiological signs of osteoporosis and other risk factors for osteoporosis according to the WHO. Biomonitoring (bone tissue) was carried out at the selected population contingent, followed by analysis of the element in the biological environment and justification for preventing the development of dyslementosis in the population of technologically polluted territories. Results and discussion. Clinical and hygienic studies among residents of ecologically contrasting territories proved that the lead concentration in the bone tissue of residents of an industrial territory was significantly higher by 2.2 times (0.66±0.156 mg / kg and 0.3±0.0276 mg / kg (p <0.05)) compared with persons in the control territory. Timely preventive measures among residents of technologically developed cities will prevent the violation of mineral metabolism. Conclusion. Thus, the obtained data substantiated the feasibility of preventive measures to minimize the technogenic load of residents of industrially polluted territories. In our methodological recommendations, along with traditional legislative, technological, sanitary and technical, special attention is paid to the use of biomedical measures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to environmental factors, the effective neutralization of lead compounds in biological media and the intensification of their elimination from the body. The most important for the health of the population is the correction of nutrition, a slight deficiency in which the essential elements can be eliminated by eating foods with a high content.

Keywords: bone, lead, industrial area

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