ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 61
УЖМБС 2019, 4(5): 72–77
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Dynamics of Wound Process after Implantation of Gold Clip to Tongue and Cheek in Animal Experiment

Ryabokon Е., Shatov P., Gorgol N., Kamina T., Stoyan E.

Intraoral piercing is the practice that is recognized as a sign of individuality, marginality or adornment, but it has certain risks. The authors study the morphological characteristics of the wound process in the organs of the oral cavity, but the issues of the morphology of the wound process after the implantation of gold clip in the dynamics in the experiment are not sufficiently studied and relevant. The purpose of the study was to establish the morphological characteristics of the wound process in the tissues of the cheek and tongue in the dynamics after implantation by the experimental animals of the gold clip. Material and methods. The experiment was performed on rabbits of the chinchilla line (n=8). Animals were implanted with gold clips in soft tissue of the tongue and cheeks. Histological studies were performed on the 7th, 14th, 28th and 60th days after implantation to study the dynamics of the change in the piercing channel. The study and description of the micropreparations and microscopic photographing were performed on a microscope "Olympus" BX-41 (Japan). Results and discussion. On the 7th day after the implantation of gold clip, the wound canal of the tongue and cheeks cleared of purulent-necrotic detritus. We also observed a decrease in inflammation with inflammatory infiltrates increasing the number of lymphocyte-like and plasma cells, labrocytes and single granulocytes that play a leading role in the implementation of functions of nonspecific and specific protection. On the 14th day after the implantation of gold clips in the wound canal of the tongue and cheeks, the granulation tissue transformed into the connective tissue, which reflected in collagen maturation. There were fibrocytes, fibroblasts, lymphocyte-like, plasma cells, labrocytes and single granulocytes among cells of granulation tissue. On the 14th day after the implantation of gold clips, there was a complete epithelization of the wound of the tongue and cheek, which completed the repair process. "Quality" of epithelization is associated with the full value of the granulation, and with the connective tissue that is formed during the regeneration process. Conclusions. On the 60th day after implantation, a gold clips formed the connective tissue, and also determined the steady epithelization of the wound canal, as well as a dense union of the epithelial layer with the underlying tissue, subepithelially defined the mature connective tissue, inflammatory and dyscirculatory disorders.

Keywords: piercing, gold clips, tongue, cheek, implantation, wound process, regeneration

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