ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 12 of 13
УЖМБС 2019, 4(3): 81–86
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Contents of Physical Training of Military Personnel taking into Account the Tasks in the Joined Forces Operations

Romanchuk S. 1, Dobrovolsky V. 2, Melnyk V. 3

The conduct of combat operations by the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stimulates the study and improvement of the content of physical training to improve physical qualities and applied skills to effectively perform combat missions. The problem of high-quality training of military personnel for military professional activities especially for conducting fights in modern combat conditions has always been relevant, and today it has acquired particular significance. The issue of determining the physical qualities and military-applied skills which are often used in various types of combat operations (tasks) remains topical. The purpose of the study was to determine the content of the physical training of servicemen taking into account the requirements of the types of combat operations and combat tasks being carried out by the units in the Joined Forces Operation. Material and methods. Pedagogical observation (questioning) was organized using the questionnaire developed by the authors which contained 24 questions characterizing physical qualities and applied skills necessary for various types of combat. The questionnaire was evaluated by 22 experts (specialists in physical training and sports). The coefficient of concordance is 0.89. The study involved 35 cadets of the Hetman Petro Sahaydachny National Army Academy who took part in the Joined Forces Operation. We used the following research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization (to study the results of scientific research on the problem raised, pedagogical observation (questioning), and methods of mathematical statistics (for processing experimental data and evaluating reliability). Results and discussion. Analyzing the results of the survey we found out that the main types of combat missions (actions) where the respondents were involved are: offensive (22.8% of respondents), ambush (14.2%), defense (45.7% ), march (71.4%), duty at the block posts and camps/objects guard (40%), reconnaissance, search, observation etc. (8.5%), surrounded troops withdrawal (20%), combat support, unloading ammunition, equipment repair, engineering equipment of the site (14.2%). Respondents drew attention to the specificity of each type of combat regarding to the priority development of general and special physical qualities, the formation of military-applied motor skills, and the degree of physical and mental load. The respondents carried out the relative distribution of the use of various physical qualities and military-applied motor skills to a greater or lesser degree when performing combat missions according to the indicators «own feelings» and «subordinates' actions». Conclusions. The analysis of the specific role of general physical qualities and military-applied motor skills in the structure of modern requirements to conduct of various types of combat and the performance of combat tasks allowed unifying the focus of the main ways of practical training for all categories of servicemen, namely: primary development of endurance and strength, resistance to motion sickness; revising the content of exercises on the obstacle course towards overcoming individual obstacles that require making the complex coordination movements for a minimum period of time; performing the long transitions in full outfit or with cargo; performing physical exercises using noise imitating and smoke producing means; carrying out physical training (specifically aimed at the branch) for making the march or movement on combat vehicles.

Keywords: combined arms combat, combat training, physical training, military servicemen

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