ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 42 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 283–291
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

The Model for Predicting Changes in the Athlete’s Functional State under the Influence of Training Load

Kochina M. L. 1, Chernozub A. A. 1, Kochin O. V. 1, Shtefyuk I. K. 1, Firsov O. G. 2

The article presents the results of developing the model for predicting changes in the functional state of athletes engaged in hand-to-hand combat, semi contact with the opponent. Material and methods. In order to construct the model, we used the indicators of static and dynamic stability of 46 professional athletes and 20 beginners. We also used the indicators of 22 trained athletes for testing the developed model. Being engaged in hand-to-hand combat requires a significant range of spatial-motor orientation, accuracy, speed, stability, versatile coordination of movements in time and space. The activity of the vestibular system improves if athletes have the corresponding innate abilities or during the perfection of these athletic skills in the training process. The improvement manifests itself by minimizing the oscillation amplitudes of the body and improving the quality of the static and dynamic stability. Indicators of static and dynamic stability can be used to assess whether the training load corresponds the individual characteristics of the athlete’s body. Significant deterioration of the indicators of the static and dynamic stability indicates the need for correction of the training system, the presence of overtraining and stress in athletes. Results and discussion. To describe the state of the vestibular system, we used an integral indicator of the quality of equilibrium function, which is one of the most stable indicators, according to the literature. The value of the quality of equilibrium function indicator in the normal range may vary a little as it reflects the innate characteristics of the vestibular system of a person. On the basis of numerous studies it was determined that the values of quality of equilibrium function in the range of 70-80% correspond to the zone of "norm", 65-70% show donosology, and 0-64% and 81-100% indicate a pathological condition. The quality of equilibrium function indicator is confirmed to be informative by the results of the study of the parameters of cardiac rhythm variability in athletes in the dynamics of the training load. It was shown that the change in the quality of equilibrium function indicator by more than 10.55% as a result of physical activity indicates a significant deterioration of the athlete's functional state. The following indicators were used to predict the class of the static and dynamic stability dynamics: the length of the trajectory of the center of feet pressure displacement on the stabilographic platform, the velocity of the center of feet pressure displacement, the displacement of the center of feet pressure coordinates, and the indicator of quality of equilibrium function. The model for predicting the class of the dynamics of the static and dynamic stability was developed using a fuzzy logic apparatus, which is based on the ability of a person to make the right decisions in the conditions of incomplete and fuzzy information. Fuzzy logic allows you to study objects that belong to sets not clearly, but with the function of belonging. We used the Gauss function while constructing a model for predicting the functional state of athletes on the parameters of the static and dynamic stability as a function of belonging, and made the fuzzy logical conclusion on the fuzzy basis of Takagi-Sugeno. Conclusion. Testing the model for predicting the class of the dynamics of the static and dynamic stability using indicators of 22 athletes engaged in hand-to-hand combat with semi contact, showed that the overall accuracy of the model is 4.5%.

Keywords: functional state, static and dynamic stability, hand-to-hand combat, model for predicting, fuzzy logic

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