ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 276–282
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Female Athletic Sport Types: Bone Pelvis and its Morphofunctional Charasteristics in Sexual Somatotypes

Bugaevskiy К. А., Bodnar A. I., Tvelina A. A., Andriuschenko M. I., Telnyi V. A., Isaienko M. V.

The article presents data on the morphofunctional features of the bones of the pelvic organs in young athletes who are engaged in athletic sports. Material and methods. The experimental base of the study was the sports sections in weightlifting, weight-lifting, and powerlifting where young athletes (n = 48) trained. We found out that mesomorphic sexual somatotype prevailed in 34 (70.83%) athletes and the andromorphic sexual somatotype prevailed in 13 (27.08%) athletes involved in different athletic sports. After receiving the pelviometric data, we identified the changes in bone pelvis size, its anatomical and morphological changes, and the degree of pelvic contraction, in accordance with the Genter-Litzman classification of narrow pelvis, mathematical recalculations of pelviometric data to determine the true conjugates (c. vera), which determined the degree of pelvic contraction or its normal values. Results and discussion. According to pelviometry, a significant group of female athletes who took part in the study had an anatomically narrow pelvis, with I-II degrees of its narrowing, as well as various options for morphofunctional changes in the structure of the pelvis of athletes, often combined. It was established that a simple flat pelvis was determined in 2 (15.39%) athletes from the group engaged in kettle bell lifting, in 3 (16.67%) weightlifters and in 2 (11.77%) athletes involved in powerlifting. Generally uniformly narrowed pelvis was determined in 1 (7.69%) female athlete in kettle bell lifting, in 2 (11.11%) weightlifting athletes, and in 3 (17.65%) female athletes in powerlifting. It was also recorded that athletes of all three studied groups, had І-ІІ degrees of pelvic contraction determined in girls with mesomorphic and andromorphic sexual somatotypes, and among athletes of young age involved in weightlifting and powerlifting, 6 athletes were identified (46.15% and 35.19%) as having І-ІІ degrees of pelvic narrowing. It was determined that the “erased / mixed” form of the pelvis (pelvis-unisex) was in 7 (53.85%) athletes in kettle bell lifting, in 11 (61.11%) weightlifting athletes, and in 10 (58.82 %) athletes involved in powerlifting. Especially noticeable were changes in the bone pelvis, its pathological forms and degrees of constriction in the group of athletic sports athletes, and in girls of the control group who are not involved in sports. This also applies to the distribution of girls in the experimental and control groups, according to the results of anthropometric studies, to sexual somatotypes, based on the obtained values of the sexual dimorphism index. Conclusion. According to the results of the study, we can say that the indicators of anatomical and morphofunctional changes of the bone pelvis and the degrees of their narrowing revealed by us, on the background of inversions of sexual dimorphism values in all three groups, give to reason to think about significant adaptive changes in the bodies of young athletes, due to their intense physical exertion.

Keywords: female athletes, juvenile age, athletic sports, bone pelvis, narrow pelvis, pelviometry, morphofunctional changes, sex somatotypes

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