ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 50 of 61
УЖМБС 2018, 3(5): 266–274
View of a problem

Ontology of Determining the Main Properties of the Human Nervous System in the Concept of Developing the Problem of Individuality

Dehtyarenko T. V.

The article deals with the discussion issues concerning the development of the problem of individuality in the context of studying the basic properties of the human nervous system and defining the types of Higher Nervous Activity. It is emphasized that the genesis of individual psychological differences between people is appropriate to solve in the context of understanding the conceptual content of the basic properties of the nervous system of the individual. Differential psychophysiology and psychophysiology of individual differences have become interdisciplinary in the present time, since their scientific and methodological developments are already being implemented by domestic experts in urology, sports of high achievements, physical education, psychological and physical rehabilitation, during professional psychophysiological examination (military specialties, transport medicine, selection for work in conditions of danger) and implemented in psychological and pedagogical practice. The imperfection of covering the current issues of general psychology from the methodological positions of the psycho-physiological paradigm, in our opinion, remains one of the leading factors in the lack of elaboration of the problem of the genesis of individual psychological differences between people. This problem should be solved in the context of understanding the conceptual content of the basic properties of the nervous system of the individual. Determination of the basic properties of human nervous system in the context of their psychological manifestations in various cross-reactive situations is an actual problem of physiology of higher nervous activity, differential psychophysiology and psychology. Nonetheless it remains in many aspects the most controversial. In terms of interpretation of the results of the evaluation of the basic properties of the human nervous system that are obtained by specialists using a variety of diagnostic tools when examining different ages, professions, and the state of psychosomatic health of the categories of the population, there are significant differences regarding terminological definitions and the interpretation of universal concepts and provisions of differential psychophysiology. This hinders the creation of a scientific and methodological foundation for clinical psychophysiology, the methods of research of which have already been widely used in various fields: an individualized assessment of the psycho-physiological state of a person when performing various types of professional activity (conducting psycho-physiological examination); revealing the features of sensing and verbal sensing by the person (establishing an individual lateral personality profile to predict the success/ failure of certain types of mental activity); definition of the degree of violations of perceptive-cognitive and psychomotor functions with mental and physical defects and deviations in behavior. Conclusions. The author emphasizes the unconditional reflexive basis of the individual identity of the PNS in energy, information and regulatory processes and the expediency of using psycho-physiological techniques that measure the parameters of simple unconditioned-reflex reactions of the individual. The prospect of implementation of the psycho-physiological paradigm for further development of the individuality for the solution of the actual problems of medical-psychological and pedagogical support of different layers of population is proved.

Keywords: basic properties of the nervous system, differential psychophysiology, individuality

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