Medical observation of gymnasium students detected the increase in the proportion of morphofunctional disorders and the appearance of chronic progressive diseases in comparison with students of general education classes. On the average, every fifth student has a disturbance in visual functions that arose during schooling. The vast majority of myopia cases (about 90%) are in the age of 7 to 14 years. In the article was to provide scientific substantiation, methodical development and recommendations for medical control during physical education and additional trainings for middle school age girls with attenuated vision. There were 90 girls aged 11 to 14 under observation who had problems with visual functions, although they had the correct eyes position, binocular vision and free organ vision. Among them there were girls with uncorrected visual acuity of 0.1-1.0 and with correction of vision up to 1.0. The degree of astigmatism varied from 0.25 to 1.5 diopters. The assessment of the physical condition was carried out according to the morphofunctional indicators proposed by G. L. Apanasenko. In the study of motor capabilities, we developed the technique of saving physiological all-round technique for safe testing of pupil’s motor skills, which contains a series of tests: flexibility, determination of pulse value of powerload, "explosive" force, and resistance to hypoxia with physical activity, force exertion on bent hands and sample with hyperventilation. To determine overall physical fitness, we selected a submaximal PWC170 (Physical Working Capacity) test with an estimate of physical activity at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute. To evaluate the posture of schoolchildren there was used a ranking rating card of professor V. V. Klapchuk, which included 14 somatoscopic signs. All the surveyed were divided into three groups: control and two main. These groups were suitable for comparison and did not differ statistically in parameters of age and degree of visual impairment. They were engaged in a generally accepted school curriculum for physical education. In addition, we introduced a rehabilitation complex in both main groups. It included special eye exercises, posture and feet, breathing exercises with voluntary breathing, self-massage of the eyes, and aerobic exercises for independent exercises on tasks at home. Along with this, we performed individual optic-reflex training of accommodation modules in the second main group. The accommodation provisions were based on A. I. Dashevsky methodology. When comparing the results of the primary examination between the control and the main groups, no statistically significant differences were observed in the evaluated metrics (p> 0.05). Their appraisal gradations were lower than appropriate, which justified the need for additional physical training within physical education classes in school curriculum. After the rehabilitation course in the main groups during the final survey, statistically significant positive changes were noted for all indicators. The author developed and proposed 6 simple physiologically sound tests with the corresponding diagnostic gradations of each of them for the final score assessment for medical and pedagogical control with the safe purpose testing of attenuated vision pupil’s motor abilities. The obtained results allow to recommend the introduction of a proposed rehabilitation complex in physical education lessons for students with visual impairment.
Keywords: medical control, physical education, rehabilitation course, aerobic exercise, attenuated vision
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