ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 20 of 22
УЖМБС 2017, 2(7): 114–118
Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Psychophysiological Characteristics of Qualified Fencers

Smyrnovskyy S.

During the genesis of fencing, there evolved different ways to control the weapon. This difference affected on the arsenal of technical and tactical skills of fencers. The purpose of research is to determine physiological and psychological characteristics of qualified epee fencers who use different handles. It was defined simple visual-motor reaction, reaction of distinction, choices reaction, reaction to a moving object and resistance to interference. Statistically reliable differences in indicators of psychophysiological characteristics of fencers on swords who use weapon with smooth and orthopedic handles it was revealed in indicators: simple visual and motor reaction, reaction of distinction and reaction of the choice. The characteristics can be used for model parameters of elite level fencers who use different handles. During the research measurement of indicators of psychophysiological characteristics of the qualified fencers on swords were taken. The research was conducted with the use of a computer complex for psychophysiological testing of Neyrosoft-psychotest. 13 qualified fencers on swords using weapon with the smooth handle and also 13 qualified fencers on swords using weapon with the orthopedic handle participated in our research. For the purpose of determination of force of a nervous system and also power indicators of endurance of a brush measurement by a technique "assessment of power endurance of a brush" was performed. Measurement lay down in implication of the maximum force on a dynamometer of a computer complex for psychophysiological testing of Neyrosoft-psychotest, and after that, implications of 17% of the maximum indicator, within 15 seconds. In particular it was established that the indicator of power endurance of a brush of the qualified fencers on swords using weapon with the smooth handle makes 88% that corresponds to a high rate. The indicator of power endurance of a brush of fencers’ swords using weapon with the orthopedic handle makes 85%, and statistically authentically doesn't differ from an indicator of fencers using weapon with the smooth handle. We explain the results of research with the fact that the fencing any handle of weapon demands high level of power endurance of brush. This indicator also testifies to force of a nervous system of the qualified fencers using weapon with the smooth handle.

Keywords: psycho physiological characteristics, qualified fencers, ways to control the weapon

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