Among the factors that determine the level of physical performance of middle distance runners, the aerobic performance is very important. As one of the main indicators characterizing aerobic productivity, namely the capacity of aerobic processes of energy supply, the value of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism acts. The information that is obtained in determining the threshold of anaerobic exchange in athletes is important for solving problems related to the programming of the training process and, moreover, for studying the mechanisms of disturbing the energy supply of the myocardium and skeletal muscles. It is also very important to develop methods for making corrective changes to the training process based on the definition of informative indicators that reflect the main indicators of aerobic productivity, as well as the possibility of using non-training erogenous agents. In the practice of sports training for the evaluation of aerobic performance, widely available tests using a racetrack in natural conditions, one of which is a test developed by F. Conconi, which does not require measurement of lactate level and is based on determining the points of deviation of the heart rate (HRD). The point of HRD can be characterized as the heart rate, above which the acceleration of the formation and accumulation of lactate begins, resulting in the lack of energy substrates developing processes of fatigue. Since the accumulation of lactate can be slowed down by improving energy supply, the interest in ATP-based extra solar therapy is fully justified. In a study conducted in the dynamics of pre-competition mesocycle, there participated 20 athletes specializing in running on medium distances. Athletes by random sampling were divided into 2 groups of 10 people. Participants in the main group used ATP-long for 21 days, and the athlete's control group received placebo. An increase in athletes’ value of HRD indicator in the mesocycle dynamics was established. It was more pronounced when used as an ATP-level energy grantor by athletes of lower sport qualifications. In particular, the rate of HRD in athletes of the main group, having the I category, increased by 11.0% from the initial level, while the candidates for the master of sports – only 8.5%. On the basis of the determination of the F. Conconi test in runners on medium distances, not only was revealed the dynamics of aerobic capabilities of athletes, but also there was a reasonable opportunity to timely correct the training process. Taking into account the close relationship between aerobic performance and muscle productivity, one can assume that one of the possible mechanisms for such an increase is precisely the improvement of energy supply of skeletal muscle contraction under the action of ATP-long. Thus, data obtained from middle-distance runners indicate that there is a positive effect of this metabolic energy-tricky drug on the processes of aerobic energy supply, one of the possible mechanisms of which is the stimulating effect of ATP-long on the functionalities of the cardiovascular system and skeletal muscles.
Keywords: heart rate rejection points index, medical drug АTP-long, myocardium, skeletal muscles, physical capacity, aerobic productivity
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