ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 51 of 55
УЖМБС 2022, 7(5): 335–341
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Features of Changes in the Functional Capabilities of Athletes during Strength Training in Horting in Conditions of Different Combinations of Using Basic and Isolated Exercises

Fedorov S. I., Pantyk V. V.

The purpose of the work was to study the dynamics of the maximum muscle strength parameters in horting athletes at the stage of specialized basic training using the most effective combinations of basic and isolated exercises for strength fitness during training. Materials and methods. 40 athletes aged 19-21 years who have been systematically engaged in horting for the last 3 ± 0.4 years were examined. To solve the set goal, two research groups (1 and 2) were formed. The duration of the study was 12 weeks. The participants of group 1 during 12 weeks of strength training for the load of a separate muscle group used first basic exercises, and then 2 isolated ones. The representatives of group 2 used the principle of premature fatigue in the training process (for a separate muscle group, they first perform 2 exercises of an isolated nature, and then the basic one). The effectiveness of the influence of training loads in the proposed conditions on the level of functional capabilities of the examinees was evaluated using the dynamics of the maximum muscle strength (1 PM) during the performance of basic and isolation exercises in the control testing process. Results and discussion. In the process of experimental research, it was determined that in athletes of group 2, the average group indicators of maximum muscle strength, fixed during the performance of basic exercises, demonstrate growth dynamics by 53.7% (р<0.05) during 12 weeks of training compared to the weekend data. At the same time, in the athletes of group 1, for a similar period of time, the controlled indicators of strength capabilities (1 PM of the pectoral, deltoid and triceps muscles of the shoulder) in basic exercises show an increase of 45.3% (р<0.05). It was found that the studied indicators of strength capabilities during isolation exercises for the pectoral and deltoid muscles of the athletes of group 1 show almost 13% lower growth rates during the study, compared to the results of the opponents. At that time, the monitoring of the results of the growth of the parameters of the maximum strength of the triceps muscle during the isolation exercise in representatives of both groups shows that, regardless of the specifics of the training activity, the studied indicators show a minimal (1.5%) difference between the groups after 12 weeks of training. Conclusion. At the stage of specialized basic training in the process of strength training, the use of the principle of premature fatigue, which is based on the load of a separate muscle group, first with 2 exercises of an isolated nature, and then with the basic one, contributes to the most accelerated growth of the maximum muscle strength of athletes engaged in horting compared to the generally recognized variability in the use of structurally appropriate means of training load

Keywords: horting, maximum muscle strength, premature fatigue, basic and isolating exercises, functional capabilities, athletes

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