ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 32 of 44
УЖМБС 2022, 7(3): 217–224

Indicators of Studies of Psychological Peculiarities of Patients with Glossodynia after Complex Treatment

Kulygina V. M. 1, Pylypyuk O. Yu. 2, Dorosh І. О. 2, Gadzhula N. G. 2, Povsheniuk A. V. 2

The purpose of the work was to study the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed method of complex treatment of patients with glossodynia according to the indicators of psychological examination after treatment of patients. Materials and methods. A study of psychological characteristics (according to the questionnaires MMPI, PEN, ChD Spielberger) of 49 patients with glossodynia aged from 46 to 65 years old after one year of comprehensive treatment, who according to the age classification by A. A. Markosyan, were divided into 2 groups: II period of adulthood (14 people of the main group, 14 – comparative) and elderly (11 and 10 people, respectively) was carried out. Treatment of the main group of patients was carried out according to the method developed by us, comparative – according to the traditional one. All research was conducted on the basis of the department of therapeutic dentistry of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya. Results and discussion. A study of the psychological state revealed its improvement in the main group of patients with glossodynia. This was indicated by a significant increase in emotional control (K scale), less severe psychological discomfort (F) and dramatization of disease problems (F – K). Significant decrease in emotional lability (by 33.3% in the II period of adulthood and by 38.7% – in the elderly), impulsivity (by 15.6 and 11.2%), constitutionally conditioned anxiety (by 29.6 and 30, 9%) and a combination of statistically significant increases in the scales of the "strong" register – the 6th (by 32.9 and 30.3%) and the 9th (by 36.9 and 23.9%) in the personality profile showed normalization of the psycho-emotional sphere, reduction of internal contradictions and increase of optimistic view on overcoming problems with the disease. The probable decrease in the level of neuroticism in the Hans and Sibylla Eisenk questionnaire (by 25.3 and 42%, respectively, at p <0.001) confirmed the high efficacy of the psychotropic drug Persen in combination with gabapentin or lyric and energy in the treatment of glossodynia patients. Conclusion. After treatment in patients of the main group with the use of sedatives, vitamins and anticonvulsants in the polystructure of the personal profile established the normalization of the psycho-emotional sphere: normostenism, increased control over emotions, decreased emotional lability, impulsiveness, reduced internal contradictions and hysterical accentuation, increased level of zest for life and acceptable levels of constitutionally conditioned anxiety. The positive dynamics of the psychological state of patients indicated the high efficiency of its correction using the proposed method

Keywords: glossodynia, treatment, psychological testing

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