ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
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УЖМБС 2021, 6(6): 8–19
Medicine. Reviews

Modern Surgical Methods of Treatment of Odontogenic Jaw Cysts (Literature Review and Own Data)

Mokryk O. Ya., Havryltsiv S. T., Korniienko M. M., Petrow D. B.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the data of modern domestic and foreign professional literature, which are devoted to new surgical methods of treatment of odontogenic cysts, to highlight the results of own clinical studies on the effectiveness of developed methods of cystectomy in jaw bones and their anesthesia. Materials and methods. Analytical and bibliosemantic methods were used in the research. The search for scientific information on medical topics for the period from 2010 to 2021 was carried out in the databases of electronic searching systems. Results and discussion. The use of standard techniques of conduction anesthesia of the trigeminal nerve is not always effective during cystectomy in the lateral parts of the mandible, due to the variability of branching of the trigeminal nerve, the possibility of additional innervation of the jaw branch from the superficial cervical plexus. Taking into account these anatomical factors, it is painless to perform a cystectomy of odontogenic cysts on the mandible. During oronasal cystectomy of odontogenic cysts that have grown into the nasal cavity it is advisable to block the nasopalatine nerve in the middle nasal passage. Modified methods of marsupialization can be used as an independent method of treatment of odontogenic cysts of large size, or be combined with radical removal of the cyst membrane. The use of ultrasound medical techniques reduces the risk of damage to adjacent soft tissues during enucleation of bone membranes in complex topographic and anatomical areas. The use of modern laser technologies and medical radiophysical equipment can increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of odontogenic jaw cysts. The use of endovideosurgery techniques reduces the percentage of intraoperative complications. The introduction of computer spatial imaging of anatomical objects in dental practice has made it possible to develop new surgical technologies for precision-guided osteotomy and resection of the tips of the roots of masticatory teeth adjacent to the shells of radicular jaw cysts. Conclusion. In modern clinical practice, technical developments are used, which are based on the latest advances in laser optics, radio physics, bioacoustics, computer technology, which minimizes injuries during cystectomy operations, reduces the frequency of intraoperative complications. Individual-anatomical features of innervation of the maxillofacial area should be taken into account during local anesthesia, cystectomy and cystotomy operations in the jaw bones

Keywords: odontogenic jaw cysts, surgical treatment, anesthesia, modern technologies

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