ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 31 of 45
УЖМБС 2021, 6(6): 224–229
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Modern Advantages, Disadvantages and Prospects for the Development of Education in the Context of Distance Learning in the Institutions of Higher Medical Education of Ukraine

Yaremena I. V, Holovchanska-Pushkar S. E., Dereziuk A. V., Baidiuk I. A.

The purpose of the study was to identify and analyze the relevance of opportunities and positive and negative features of distance learning in quarantine, development of prospects and identification of the main problems of distance education in the institutions of higher medical education of Ukraine during quarantine. This study depicts the current state, advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of implementing the transition of the institutions of higher medical education in Ukraine from traditional education to mass E-distance education. The purpose of the study is to characterize distance learning, identify the advantages and disadvantages of this form of learning, the ability to use modern computer technology at a high level of both teachers and students; determine the positive and negative use of distance education (educational platforms). Materials and methods. The main research method is a sociological survey method based on a questionnaire survey of medical university students. Results and discussion. The object of the study is distance learning in the institutions of higher medical education of Ukraine. The subject of the study is the current state and prospects for the development of distance learning. The study uses methods of analysis of reference sources and generalization of the features of the studied object, questionnaire. Conclusion. The study reveals the motivation of students to study in quarantine, rapid acquisition of information, the ability to use a computer at a modern level, communication with the teacher from anywhere. Teachers also have a sense of satisfaction with the new opportunities that open up the use of electronic platforms and tools in educational activities. This is an opportunity to find and apply fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching, continuous development and improvement of their own pedagogical skills. Regarding the practical work of future doctors, for distance learning it is necessary to improve the system of knowledge and skills, starting with the technical support of students and teachers and ending with the improvement of the process of distance transfer of practical skills, using the latest technologies. For example, it is necessary to provide students with access to cloud solutions that will allow them to perform practical skills and modeling outdoors, use simulators, training devices, get access to virtual laboratories. It is advisable to use gamification technologies, creation of digital didactic situational games and exercises, which, in addition to improving practical skills, will involve students in distance learning, because game technologies guarantee the attention and motivation of each student. The most appropriate for medical students will be the use of a hybrid model of learning, combining real education with digital one – this is the best model from the standpoint of logistics and accessibility

Keywords: distance teaching, quarantine, modern IT teaching technologies, distance medical education, information and communication tools

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