ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 47 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 350–356

Allelopathy Activity of Plant Seeds of Species Monarda Didyma L., Dracocephalum Moldavicum L., Hyssopus Officinalis L. in Conditions of Forest and Steppe of Ukraine

Hnatiuk N., Sorokina S.

The study of allelopathic properties of generative organs of aromatic plants is of great theoretical and practical importance. High allelopathic activity can be assessed as their ability to survive in adverse environmental conditions. Isolation of physiologically active compounds of exometabolites by germinating seeds is a group of substances of biological origin. Their natural combination is vital for the plant organism, as well as for related organisms in rhizosphere and epiphytic microflora. The purpose of the study was the elucidation of allelopathic activity of aromatic plant seed extracts on the growth of the roots of the test objects. Material and methods. In the first stage of research we focused on the results obtained in the study of allelopathic activity of seeds of certain species of Dracocephalum L. Hyssopus L., Monarda L. and forms of these plant species. Fresh samples were selected for the study of 3 types of secretions: water-soluble, alcohol-soluble, and volatile. The experiments were carried out with seed extracts. The seeds were obtained in the department of new cultures of M. M. Gryshko National Botanic Garden. The test objects growth conditions were the same as in the study of water- and alcohol-soluble compounds. Results and discussion. Allelopathic activity of plants is manifested not only at species but also at their varietal levels. The expediency of using as a test object the radish roots in determining water and alcohol-soluble knees has been proved. Allelopathic activity of water-soluble excretion seeds of experimental species of aromatic plants. Some of them have a clear specificity of their action on the acceptor plants. It depends not only on species characteristics, but also on the timing of seed reproduction, which is closely related to the genome of plants, their physiological and biochemical characteristics, ecological conditions of cultivation. Conclusions. The study showed that extracts from seeds of monard, hyssop, and serpentine exhibited the emission of water-soluble and alcohol-soluble compounds, probably having in their composition certain allelopathic activity knees, which identified species-specific character with stimulating effect. Comparing the allelopathic activity of water-soluble, alcohol-soluble and volatile secretions from seeds of varieties of the genus Monarda L. on the test objects of the roots of salad, winter wheat, tail tail, and winter radish and coleoptile winter wheat, it is possible to ascertain their basic identical activity with a slight difference in variants and in terms of reproduction of the form M didyma L.

Keywords: Hyssopus L., Monarda L, Dracocephalum L., seed, biological activity, objects of tests, kres of salat, amaranth, wheat

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