ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 343–349

Functional State of the Male Rats’ Reproductive System in Conditions of Modeling Gonad Radiation Damage and its Correction with Drugs of Natural Origin

Brechka N. M. 1, Kozar V. V. 2, Shcherbak O. V. 3

Environmental conditions (chemical agents, radiation, and climatic factors), increase in the frequency of inflammatory diseases, frequent use of the drugs, and physical inactivity are the most influential causes of infertility. It is known that radiation exposure can cause disturbances at the cellular, tissue and organ level of living organisms, including the testes. There is a constant search for the adequate correction of generative function disorders and the study of compounds with new mechanisms of radioprotective action to restore the qualitative functioning of the male reproductive system. The purpose of the work was to study the functional state of the male rats' reproductive system in conditions of modeling radiation damage to the testicles and to correct the pathological process with drugs of natural origin. Material and methods. A model of total single irradiation with a dose of 3 Gy was used to obtain the pathology of the testes, after which the substance Chondroitin sulfate was administered at a dose of 60 mg / kg; comparison drug Tribestan at a dose of 60 mg/kg; the drug "Bioglobin-U" at a dose of 200 μl / kg and Chondroitin sulfate + Tribestan in the above doses. Results and discussion. The gonadopathy was caused by total irradiation with a dose of 3 Gy. There was a decrease in the mass of the ventral part of the prostate gland by 56% and seminal vesicles by 47%, deterioration of the spermogram and androgenic saturation of the organism (the number, motility and time of maintaining sperm motility were reduced, and testosterone level decreased, fructose content in the seminal vesicles and acid phosphatase activity in the prostate gland decreased by 3, 3.4 and 1.97 times, respectively, compared with the intact control). The administration of the substance of chondroitin sulfate at a dose of 60 mg / kg, "Bioglobin-U" at a dose of 200 μl / kg and the combined use of chondroitin sulfate + Tribestan at a dose of 60 mg / kg normalized the spermogram and androgen saturation of the organism. The combined use of chondroitin sulfate and Tribestan potentiated a positive effect on the reproductive function of male rats. Conclusion. The obtained results gave reason to talk about a certain radioadaptive effect of the studied drugs. Comparison drug Tribestan was inferior to the studied drugs in its effect on spermatogenesis restoration processes and androgenic saturation of the organism. The substance Chondroitin sulfate and the drug "Bioglobin-U" had a certain radioprotective effect.

Keywords: gonadopathy, general irradiation, testosterone, chondroitin sulfate, fructose, sperms, male rats

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