ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 42 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 314–319
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

Main Models of Gait Pattern Disturbance in People after Stroke

Dmytruk M.

Cardiovascular diseases in the world and in Ukraine rank among the first in terms of prevalence, mortality and disability. About 15 million people have stroke annually, 5 million die. The incidence of stroke in economically developed countries is on average 150 people per 100 thousand of population. In Ukraine the incidence was 278.2 cases per 100 thousand people in 2007. The mortality from cerebrovascular pathology remains steady, and ranks the second or third after cardiac pathology and tumors. Material and Methods. The disturbance of the gait pattern was determined and analyzed by examining 60 people after a stroke. The examination was conducted on the basis of Lviv City Clinical Hospital number 5. Examination of walking kinematics was performed using the method of observational gait analysis – Ranco Observational Gait Analysis. Results and Discussion. The obtained results and the analysis of the literature source allowed developing and establishing fifteen models of gait disturbance which we plan to use in creation and implementation of the appropriate models of rehabilitation intervention. In Western Europe, the United States, Japan, Australia over the past 15 years, stroke deaths have fallen by more than 50% (annually by 3-7%) and now stands at 37-47 people per 100 000 of population. The issue of the recovery of patients after a stroke was paid much attention by many specialists dealing with this category of patients at various stages of rehabilitation. The main task of physical therapy is to return a person after a stroke to a habitual (everyday) lifestyle. In order to achieve this level of functioning, in most cases, the patient must travel independently over long distances and overcome architectural obstacles. Walking is the basis of almost any motor activity. Thus, in order to accomplish this task, it is necessary to restore the function of walking. There are eight phases and three main key moments of walking. In people after a stroke, the correct stereotype of walking is impaired, due to the effects of strokes: paresis and plegia; changes in muscle tone; disorders of sensitivity; cognitive changes of brain activity and emotional-volitional sphere. Conclusion. Thus, restoring or compensating for the correct stereotype of gait by creating models of its violation in the future will allow to create effective means of physical therapy for its correction or restoration, which in the future will provide an opportunity to integrate the patient into the everyday lifestyle. That is why the creation and implementation of patterns of gait disturbance that allow you to effectively identify a motor disorder and identify the cause of its occurrence in people after a stroke, are relevant.

Keywords: models of gait disturbance, gait pattern, stroke, physical therapy

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