ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 63 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 465–470
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

An Analysis of the Body Composition Indicators of Young Females

Nalyvayko N. B. 1, Bardin O. I. 1, Pavlova Iu. O. 2

A high body mass index remains one of the most important causes of increased morbidity and mortality because it, in turn, causes the development of other non-communicable diseases. Despite the widespread practice of using body mass index in monitoring studies, it is essential to study the component composition of the body to assess the risk of developing non-communicable diseases. The identification of risk groups among young women remains relevant. The purpose of the study was to analyze the indicators of the component composition of the body in young women and to determine the structure of correlation between these indicators. Material and methods. The study involved 90 female students aged 18-22 (M ± SE = 19.3±1.3), who studied at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on specialty “Secondary education.” The mass and body composition indexes were analyzed in terms of body mass index, total fat content, visceral fat content, muscle mass content, muscle mass rating, water content, and bone density. The bioelectrical impedance analysis with the TANITA RD-953 InnerScan Dual was conducted. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were used for statistical data processing. The relationship between the variables was studied with the Pearson coefficient. Results and discussion. Analysis of the body composition of young women showed a significantly higher number of cases of deviation from the optimal ratio. Persons with signs of "hidden" obesity were identified; in the future, they may lead to the risk of second type diabetes, hypertension, and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. We identified the young women with insufficient fat content, which may adversely affect estrogen synthesis and, in general, the reproductive function of the body. We found out that there were signs of “hidden” obesity; some of the females had a higher level of a fat component due to the manifestations of standard body mass index indicators, which may lead to a different type of cardiovascular disease. Young women with insufficient fat content were also identified, which may adversely affect the process of estrogen synthesis and, in general, the reproductive function. Conclusion. The results suggest the need for educational activities among young women. The optimal approach is to develop individualized diets and exercise programs and monitor their effectiveness.

Keywords: anthropometric measurements, body mass index, females, health

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