To assess the state of health and physical development, it is necessary to study the morphological characteristics of the body and its component composition. Under the influence of sports activities regular changes take place in the body. In this work we proved the direct relationship between girth and transverse body dimensions and the level of physical activity. The enhanced physical training leads to muscle mass increase while limited physical activity causes an increase in fat stores and a decrease in muscle mass. Probably, the girth body dimensions are one of the indicators of physique and indicators of its structural and functional state at the stages of ontogeny, especially in childhood and adolescence. That is, wrestlers who have been engaged in sports for a longer period have a tendency to increase lean body mass and, accordingly, to decrease the body fat component. The purpose of the research is to study the characteristics of the morphotype of children engaged in freestyle wrestling. The objective is to determine anthropometric indicators and to identify, according to the data obtained, the dependence of changes in physique on the duration of sports training. Material and methods. Studies were conducted among 8-10-year-old children, engaged in the section of freestyle wrestling in the group of preliminary basic training. Young wrestlers were divided into two groups: group I included children (n = 22) engaged in sports for 1-2 years, group II encompassed children (n = 34) engaged in the section for 4-5 years. The examination included anthropometry and calculation of the fat, muscle and bone components of body weight. Results and discussion. The evaluation of anthropometric indicators revealed a statistically significant increase in the transverse and sagittal diameters of the chest, the girth dimensions of the shoulder, forearm, thigh and lower leg, as well as the diameters of the forearm in children of group II. The experiment showed the differences in the components of the body composition of children with different athletic experience. Analysis of the component composition showed that the muscle component of the body in the athletes of group II increased significantly by 8.4% (P> 0.95), which can be explained by the earlier onset of muscle growth. At the same time, fat component showed a tendency to decrease it in group II by 9,3% (0,1> P> 0,05). Estimating anthropometric indicators, statistically significant increases (P> 0.95) were found among children of group II: transverse and sagittal chest diameters (6.5% and 6.8%, respectively); body size (shoulder coverage 8.8%, forearm 9.1%, hips 11.5% and lower legs 7.8%, chest circumference at rest 10.2%). Conclusion. Along with the goal of achieving sports results, sports activities are aimed at improving the health and good physical development of children. Thus, a comparative analysis of the indicators of the physical development of children engaged in sports for different periods is advisable to characterize the degree of influence of sports activities on the child’s body during the development period.
Keywords: anthropometric indicators, bone epiphyses, girth dimensions, body components
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