Hand-to-hand combat is a complex sport that includes a technical arsenal of many martial arts and combines sports and applied fields. Its features are the basis for increasing his popularity among different sections of the population, especially children. The initial stage of training plays an important role in the system of athletes training. At this stage, the basis is laid for further improvement. For the rational construction of the training and training process at the initial stage of training of athletes, it is necessary to develop a structure and systematize the data of special scientific and methodological literature concerning the construction of their training and training process. The use of the developed structure in the training process construction, taking into account the identified during the work features of this stage of preparation, will improve the efficiency, quality and reliability of preparation at the initial stage. The purpose of the study was to systematize the data of special scientific and methodological literature and the experience of work of trainers in hand-to-hand combat, concerning the issues of construction of the training and training process of young athletes. Material and methods. In order to achieve the goal of the work, we conducted analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documents of children's sports schools, as well as developed a questionnaire, which was offered to 15 trainers in hand-to-hand combat. Questionnaire questions were related to the structure and features of the initial preparation process. Results and discussion. At the stage of initial preparation the main place is given to the general and auxiliary training, the special preparation is given up to 10% of the total volume of training work. According to experts, the stage of initial preparation is one of the most important, because this is where the basis for further mastery of sportsmanship in the chosen form of sport is laid. In our work, we identified the inconsistency of the basic theoretical and methodological provisions of the existing system of training young athletes in relation to the practical conditions of their implementation. The solution to this problem is possible due to the introduction of adjustments in the construction of the training process, namely, an individual approach, taking into account the age and sex characteristics of young athletes. Conclusion. The application of effective means, methods and organizational forms of sports training in the process of training on the basis of the certain structure that makes a relatively stable order of combining the components of their regular relationship with each other and the overall sequence.
Keywords: hand combat, sports training, initial stage, training process
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