ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 38 of 42
УЖМБС 2020, 5(2): 262–270
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Features of Organizational and Management Forms of Providing Development of Health Types of Gymnastics in Foreign Countries

Akimova M. P.

The purpose of the study was to find out the peculiarities of organizational and managerial forms of ensuring the development of wellness sports, including health gymnastics in foreign countries. Material and methods. The methods of analysis and generalization of scientific literature and synthesis were applied for the purpose realization of the task. Therefore, the theoretical analysis of scientific researches of scientists who investigated organizational-managerial forms of ensuring the development of recreational sports, in particular recreational gymnastics in foreign countries, was carried out. Results and discussion. The article shows that the problem of improving the sectoral level of government traditionally occupies one of the central places in the shaping of state policy of the countries of the world, many of which achieve significant success precisely through the skillful use of sectoral mechanisms of public policy modernization. Today, among the mechanisms and means of physical education, health gymnastics plays a key role, being the basic mechanism and means of personal education. Due to the use of gymnastics, various aspects of physical development are supported. Gymnastics creates conditions for increased activity, health enhancement, enhancement of immunity and resistance, posture correction and more. It is also the basic mechanism for developing complex motor skills and developing motor skills. It is revealed that today among the mechanisms and means of physical education health gymnastics plays a key role, being the basic mechanism and the means of personal education. Due to the use of gymnastics, various aspects of physical development are supported. Gymnastics creates conditions for increased activity, health enhancement, enhancement of immunity and resistance, posture correction and more. It is also the basic mechanism for developing complex motor skills and developing motor skills. It is well-known that the sphere of physical education and rehabilitation of society is an important element of modern life, but as a direction of state policy it has been from the beginning in the field of attention of specialists of international level in various fields of scientific knowledge. The features of organizational and managerial forms of physical education development of the most developed European countries, USA, China and Japan are characterized. It is proved that at the present stage the essence of sport, and especially of its recreational types, is included in the system of physical education of most foreign countries. Conclusion. The study showed that at the present stage the essence of sport, and especially its recreational types, was included in the system of physical education of most foreign countries. The primary interest is health sports, which are given special attention in the USA, Europe and other Asian countries. According to international experience, sport is of great value and it deserves that scientists explore the future of wellness and its positioning within the overall role of health and leisure services.

Keywords: health, wellness, physical education, physical culture, sport, healthy lifestyle, gymnastics, wellness gymnastics

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