ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 57 of 57
УЖМБС 2020, 5(1): 360–365

Morphological Structure of the Thyroid Gland in Conditions of Re-adaptation after Cellular Dehydration Modeling

Khomenko I. V., Boomeister V. I.

In the modern world thyroid disease is becoming an important health issue that interests not only the population of various countries, but also scientists, and it requires more study. Thyroid disease is common among residents of different regions of Ukraine, where there is iodine deficiency in soil and water, respectively, and in foodstuffs. According to scientists, the cause of the problems of dysfunctions of the body is the imbalance of trace elements that participate in many metabolic processes. As a result of dehydration, general structural-functional state of the organism is violated, which further causes a considerable change in all systems and organs. Therefore, as a result of unfavorable ecological conditions, stresses and other factors frequency of tireoid pathology as well as autoimmune tireoid, nodal groeths, cancer has increased immensely. There is even a hypofunction of thyroid at an early age which leads to dementia and neurological disorders. A great interest to this problem is caused by the fact that the state of health and intelligent level of the population decrease and all these factors cannot but disturb the society and provoke world interest of doctors and scientists on the whole. The purpose of the study was to research the morphological state of the thyroid tissue of mature male rats in the conditions of the thirty-day re-adaptation after exposure to cellular dehydration. Material and methods. Experimental study was conducted on 24 white outbred laboratory sexually mature male rats of the reproductive period. The morph-functional state of the thyroid gland was studied using morphometric, histological, histochemical and statistical research methods. Results and discussion. The obtained data of re-adaptation after simulation of cellular dehydration, did not give a positive result. We observed changes in a slight improvement of morphological and functional processes on the results of the severe cellular dehydration, but full recovery of tissue did not occur in comparison with the group of intact animals. We saw a significant decrease in the incidence of 11.18% (p=0.00067) and an increase of 9.04% (p=0.000027) follicular colloidal index, but to the indicators of the control group of animals the percentage of changes remained quite large. According to the indices of colloid accumulation index and follicular colloidal index, we noted that in the tissue, the processes of recovery had already begun, but the process of hypofunction remained at a fairly high level. Conclusion. Thus, the monthly reinsertion passively, but gradually improved the studied parameters in comparison with the severe dehydration. Despite the positive dynamics of changes, the results differed from the control data.

Keywords: thyroid gland, morphometry, dehydration, recovery

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