ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 57
УЖМБС 2020, 5(1): 287–293
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

Physical Therapy in Functional Disorders of Posture and the Foot Valve in First-Year Students

Nakonechnaya S. P., Danyshchuk A. T., Duma Z. V., Baskevich O. V.

The article deals with the development, scientific justification and testing of a comprehensive program of physical therapy for students of a special medical group, taking into account motor impairment. The work analyzes the scientific and methodological literature, studies modern views on the problem of the state of health of youth of Ukraine. The data on risk factors for flat feet and scoliosis as a problem of their distribution among students are highlighted. The analysis of the reasons for the low interest of students in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and physical education and sports. Studied modern methods of physical therapy for students of special and major medical groups. Material and methods. We examined 48 first-year students of the Faculty of Biology at the age of 17.2 ± 0.6 years, who studied in special medical groups. The life style of students of a special medical group is characterized by the presence of modified risk factors for flat feet and scoliosis. Students found subjective signs of cardialgic, hyperventilation, dyspeptic, polyarthralgic, astheno-neurotic syndromes. The average chest girth values were lower compared with healthy students. Results and discussion. Examination of the functional state of the respiratory system showed a decrease in the parameters of the Stange test and spirometry indicators compared to control analogues. A consequence of the violation of external respiration indicators was a decrease in the degree of oxygenation of arterial blood. A violation of the balance of cardiac regulation towards sympathicotonia was found. Violation of the motor capacity of students of a special medical group was manifested in lowered parameters of physical fitness, which correlates with poor results of the Ruthier test and low ratings when performing physical exercises of the functional movement screen. We developed a comprehensive rehabilitation program for special medical group students including lifestyle modification, kinesitherapy, functional aerobic training, and massage. The program was aimed at differentiated correction of impaired motor capacity, reducing the influence of modified risk factors for diseases, improving the functioning of the cardio-respiratory and autonomic nervous systems. After using the physical therapy program, students showed a decrease in the number and intensity of modified disease risk factors by normalizing nutrition, increasing physical activity, and reducing bad habits; reduction in the number of complaints. A statistically significant growth dynamics of the chest excursion rate was determined in students. We established an increase in the strength of the muscles of the back and arms when conducting dynamometry. Improving the ventilation function of the lungs was manifested in a significant increase in the duration of breath holding and exhalation, and an improvement in the degree of oxygenation of arterial blood. The balance of the autonomic nervous system was normalized. The ability to tolerate physical activity improved, as shown by the Ruthier test. We also revealed a decrease in the intensity of motor impairment. Conclusion. Such dynamics positively affected the results of all exercises of the functional movement screen and the structure of its evaluation.

Keywords: students, special medical group, physical therapy, physical activity

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