ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 39 of 57
УЖМБС 2020, 5(1): 256–262
Information technology in medicine

Health Self–Evaluation Using The Generalized Evaluation Method

Kobzar’ T. A., Gontar’ T. M., Kryachok T. V., Semikhova E. S., Vetkina Z. V.

Introduction. The concept of “designing individual health” is being implemented, aimed at creatiоn of sustainable motivation of an individual to develop his/her own health and ability to evaluate his/her resources, as well as elaboration of effective strategy to strengthen health. The purpose of the work was to asses the level and health resources of employees of a scientific institution whose labor activity is associated with intellectual and psycho–emotional overloads. We overviewed approaches towards the possibility of self–assessment of one’s health reserves using the method of generalized assessments together with a health consultant. Material and methods. We studied a group of 28 people of both sexes, aged from 40 to 80 years, with glycemia of 6.0 mmol/L and over. All participants were assigned to the risk group for hypertension presenting a combination of 3 or more risk factors. We registered passport and anthropometric data; personal and family history data; conducted odontometric and odontoscopic studies; used psychological testing methods for subjective assessment of health, as well as for belonging to distressor D–type personality (questionnaire DS 14); fasting blood sugar was measured; we examined blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability, electrocardiography; determined the biological age and the rate of aging. Physical examination and expert assessment of the subjects' health according to the results of examination were carried out by a cardiologist in compliance with a 5–grade system, which corresponds 5 functional classes. Results and discussion. Hyperglycemia was confirmed in 62 % of the subjects, in 74 % of cases there was a D–type personality with an excess of blood pressure (over 130/80 mm Hg) in 23.4 % of cases and a tendency to sympathicotonia in 68 % of cases, which presents a risk factor of hypertension and coronary heart disease. We noted an accelerated rate of aging in 24 % of individuals with D–type, equally with hyperglycemia and a tendency to hypertension. The hypothesis was confirmed concerning interconnection of a tendency to the disorder of the systems of carbohydrate metabolism and hemodynamics. In particular, it was in stress–oriented individuals of the D–type, and the determination of the aging rate was added to the diagnostic significance of the chosen approach, which can be used for targeted screening. The health assessment algorithm included: 1. "Inventory" of health. 2. Formation of the doctor’s expert conclusion on the level of health. 3. Determination of the class of functional state and the corresponding health group. The assessment system was a generalized health assessment, which consisted of a set of assessments that were calculated on the basis of field indicators; summarized the functioning of individual physiological systems of the body, which enabled us to judge about integral health. Conclusion. The approach to technology of integrated assessment of the physical and functional state of physiological systems of an individual organism was proposed taking into account characteristics of the contingent of employees of a scientific institution, as well as for screening aimed at timely identification of people having threat of cardiovascular events associated with stress.

Keywords: self–control of health, integrated health assessment, functional health class, generalized health assessment

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