ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 22 of 57
УЖМБС 2020, 5(1): 156–160
Clinical Medicine

Bioimpendance Assessment of Body Composition as an Appropriate Modern Biophysical Instrumental Method for an Objective Examination of Therapeutic Profile Patients and Functionally Healthy Individuals

Nevoit G. V.

The issue of improving the therapeutic examination by applying instrumental bioimpendanceometry is considered in the article. The author gives the results of his own research in this direction as well. The purpose of the study was to determine the clinical diagnostic potential and the appropriateness of applying the bioimpendance assessment of body composition as a standard procedure for an objective examination of patients. Material and methods. 31 patients with coronary heart disease with comorbid pathology were examined on a BF 500 body composition monitor (model HBF-500-E, Omron Healthcare, Japan). This was done by implementing a personalized strategy for determining compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle, objectively establishing the necessary direction and amount of corrective work with the patient. 59 functionally healthy people comprised the control group. Results and discussion. Fat metabolism disorders were detected in 100%, body mass index ≥25 were in 52%, visceral overfatty was in 52%, visceral obesity was in 55%; insufficient muscle mass was found in 100% of individuals; normal body composition was absent in the group of patients. A correlation was observed between body mass index and the content of internal fat (r=0.369; p<0.05) and an inverse correlation was observed between body mass index and the level of a healthy lifestyle formation (r=-0.512; p<0.05). In the control group, 33% had fat metabolism, body mass index ≥25 was found in 3%, over-fattening was in 17%, obesity was in 8.5% of people, visceral form was in 6.8% of them; insufficient muscle mass was 93%; normal body composition was in 5% of people. Conclusion. Bioimpandensometry is a sensitive, objective method of diagnosing lipid metabolism disorders at the body level. Bioimpandensometry diagnoses objectively visceral obesity, overweight, muscle deficiency unlike traditional anthropometric methods. Bioimpandansometry is easy to perform, it requires little time to perform. It deserves clinical recognition and mandatory application in the objective examination of patients with a therapeutic profile in order to assess both the valeological status and the objectification of the healthy lifestyle of patients in the dynamics of treatment. Assessment of muscle content may be seen as a new additional predictor of non-infectious diseases and cardio vascular diseases.

Keywords: bioimpendanceometry, non-infectious diseases, objective examination

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