УЖМБС 2019, 4(6): 413–417 https://doi.org/10.26693/jmbs04.06.413Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport
The Influence of Tourist and Local History Activity on Indicators of Physical Fitness of Middle School Pupils
Polishchuk V.- Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Grigory Skovoroda State Pedagogical
- University
- 30, Sukhomlinsky St., Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky 08401, Kyiv region, Ukraine
In the article we determined the health value of tourism and its impact on the level of physical abilities in teenagers on the basis of systematization and analysis of literary data of the study.
The purpose of the study was to justify and verify the effectiveness of the impact of tourism and local history activities on the development of physical abilities of pupils in basic education. Research methods: analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical (pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing: running 30 m; pull–UPS, time; a long jump from place; Shuttle run 4 x 9 m; tilt torso forward, cm; Jogging 2000 m, min, S.); methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and discussion. Analysis of the system of physical education within the school indicates that training with elements of tourism is fully able to meet the objectives for improving children’s health in complex with development of motor skills. Testing rates increased during the experiment in students who were engaged in tourism, which testifies to positive dynamics of physical fitness of adolescents. The current state of organization and implementation of tourist and local history activities with students of secondary school age, as an effective form of personality development, contradicts the requirements of time and opportunities of out–of–school educational institutions for its effective implementation. The increase in body weight of 13–year–old girls was 5.1 % (t = 4.51), and 14–year–old girls significantly increased their body weight by 4.8 % (t = 4.60). Body weight in 14–year–old boys significantly increased by 4.2 % (t = 3.65). Positive dynamics was also revealed in terms of physical qualities, namely: indicators of speed and power qualities increased in children by 10 cm, and in girls – by 12 cm; dexterity in boys and girls was 0.3 s; the indicator of flexibility increased by 2 cm both in boys and girls.
Conclusion. The experiment offered the opportunity to argue that rationally organized motor mode in combination with a systematic exposure to the outdoors contributes to the adaptation of the organism to high physical activity and increase physical fitness in particular.
Keywords: tourism, teenagers, physical abilities
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