ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 60
УЖМБС 2019, 4(6): 293–300

The Peculiarities of Neurodynamic and Psychophysiological Properties of Volleyball Players of Different Age

Artemenko B. O.

The article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the neurodynamic and psychophysiological properties of volleyball players of different age. The formation of simple and complex sensomotor reactions (reactions of choice of one and two stimuli from three), neurodynamic (functional mobility of nervous processes), and higher psychophysiological properties (varieties of thinking, memory, perception) have different age dynamics in adolescents, young athletes, and non-athletes. In ontogeny, the studied properties gradually develop and reach the highest level in professional volleyball players aged 20 years and older. The development of the investigated properties is similar in nature for non-athletes, but has less pronounced dynamics of results improvement in the investigated parameters. Material and methods. In total, 206 people of all ages participated in the study. They were divided into 4 age groups: 14-15, 16-17, 18-19 and 20 and older. The study results were processed using a Microsoft Excel computer block. The following statistical methods were used to analyze the research results: arithmetic mean, standard deviation. The significance of the differences in the sample indices was determined by the parametric t-Student test. If the calculated value was greater than the limit, then the difference between the samples was statistically significant (p <0.05). Results and discussion. The study results showed that volleyball players aged 16 years and older had higher scores in the test tasks, which characterized their sensomotor, neurodynamic reactions, psychophysiological properties and ability to orient in time and space in comparison with non-athletes with statistically significant difference in test tasks. Volleyball players differed in a more dynamic and advanced character and in a higher level of development of the studied properties in comparison with the similar age groups of non-athletes. It is revealed that teenagers of 14-15 and boys 16-17 and 18-19 years improved the results of the studied properties with their gradual stabilization in 20 years of age, which was a characteristic pattern for both groups, volleyball players and non-athletes. The dynamics of formation with the age of higher psychophysiological properties of figurative and numerical memory, abstract, logical, associative and operative types of thinking in volleyball players did not differ from the development of these properties in non-athletes, which may indicate significant influence of other factors on the development of these properties. In particular, it can be the genetic program of the individual development and social influence on the formation of the investigated psychophysiological properties but not volleyball playing. Conclusion. The revealed patterns and peculiarities of the dynamics of the formation of sensorimotor, neurodynamic and psychophysiological properties in ontogeny testify the expediency of their consideration in the system of sports selection, control and prevention of the occurrence of adverse changes in the nervous system and their correction, as well as optimization of the educational and training process.

Keywords: ontogenesis, sensorimotor, neurodynamics, volleyball players psychophysiological properties

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