ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 49
УЖМБС 2019, 4(4): 218–223
View of a problem

Prospects for Studying Biological Fluids to Determine the Death Prescription

Mishalov V. D.1, Dunaev O. V.2, Kostenko E. Ya.3, Kozlov S. V.4

The article deals with the possibilities of a new direction in the development of research on biological objects for solving applied problems of forensic medicine. There is a tendency to increase the role and wider use of instrumental methods at the present stage of this kind of research. This, in turn, makes it possible to analyze not only known objects in a dead body, but also new ones that have never been studied before. On the other hand, modern science has quite significant amounts of data. The analysis of information and the search for new phenomena and patterns in such a mass of data requires the application of knowledge and method of analysis that have not recently had application in medicine. Modeling processes and the use of logistic analysis methods are becoming an integral part of modern biomedical research. The article provides a summary analysis of the main directions for deciding on the determination of the length of the post-mortem period both on the basis of forensic science methods that have already proven their effectiveness, and the new ones. There is also a question of possibility of research such a relatively new object for forensic medicine, as biological fluids from the tissues of the corpse. The authors offer an interesting view at the informational utility of such objects. We discuss issues that are associated not only with the study of the chemical composition or other properties of an object such as liquid that accommodates certain components. A completely new look at biological liquid, which may be a multi-level system, is proposed. Although it is linked with the organ or system of organs from where it is extracted, but at the same time, it is a completely independent object for study. This can provide interesting and new information in terms of the nature of the relations within the system. The advantage of such studies for the application of a wide variety of instrumental methods of research is emphasized, since liquids can be studied both in liquid form and after drying. The authors substantiate the general use of logistic analysis methods in order to assess the identified patterns and changes, as well as the use of non-standard versions of statistical methods for classifying objects. Such methods can be methods of mathematical classification.

Keywords: prescription time of death, biological liquid, forensic medicine, classification methods

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