ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 8 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 58–65
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Immunohistochemical Features of Endothelin-Producing Activity of the Ovaries Vascular Component in Fetuses from Mothers with Pregnancy Complicated by Pre-Eclampsy of Varying Severity

Kupriianova L. S. 1, Reylian R. O. 2, Vasilieva K. O. 2, Mustafaev A. R. 2, Iatsiuk A. S. 2, Korotkii V. V. 2, Chupryna O. V. 2

The purpose of the study was to find immunohistochemical features of endothelin-producing activity of the vascular component of ovarian fetuses from mothers with pre-eclampsy of varying severity. Material and methods. The research material was the ovaries of the fetuses. All material is divided into groups. The comparison group included fetuses from healthy mothers. The main group consisted of fetuses from the mothers with pre-eclampsy. In accordance with the period of gestation, all the fetuses are divided into subgroups: 21-28 weeks, 29-36 weeks, and 37-42 weeks. In the main group, the fetuses are divided according to the severity of mother’s disease: pre-eclampsy mild, moderate, severe. All fetuses died intranatally or antenatally. The cause of the death of the fetuses was an acute disorder of the uteroplacental or placental-fetal circulation. We used the following research methods: macroscopic, histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric, statistical. Results and discussion. An immunohistochemical study allowed us to determine the structural features of the ovaries of fetuses from the mothers with pre-eclampsy of various degrees of severity. Thus, we fixed a significant increase in the relative volumes of blood vessels in the cerebral and cortical substance of ovarian fetuses from mothers with pregnancy pathology compared with those of healthy mothers. There was also an increase in endothelin which produces activity of vessels of both the arterial and venous types in the ovaries of fetuses from the mothers with pre-eclampsy compared to that in the ovaries of fetuses from the mothers with physiological pregnancy. Conclusion. An inverse relationship was established between the increase in the number of vessels and the severity of the mother's pre-eclampsy in the ovaries of the fetuses of the main group. However, there is a direct relationship between the increased luminescence of endotheliocytes in the ovaries of fetuses from the mothers with pre-eclampsy and the severity of the mother’s pathologies. It is also noteworthy that there is an inverse relationship between changes in the relative volumes of blood vessels and the luminescence intensity of preparations treated by MCA to endothelin-1 in the ovaries of fetuses from the mothers with pre-eclampsy of various severities.

Keywords: fetus, ovary, pregnancy, endothelin-1, vessel, immunohistochemistry

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