ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 47 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 320–324
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Analysis of Injuries in Sports and their Prevention

Stepanenko O. S., Tomyn L. V., Olkhovyk A. V., Mordvinova I. V.

Sport solves three main tasks: 1) serves as a «mechanism» of getting rid of negative energy, tension and hostility accumulated in everyday and social life; 2) athletes serve as an example for the upbringing of the younger generation; 3) sport is a spiritual institution that uses ceremonies and rituals to support social behavior. The purpose of the study was to characterize the etiology of the sports injuries occurrence and the prospects of optimization and organization of the training process to prevent them. Materials and methods. We analyzed and generalized the information of foreign and domestic scientific-methodical literature, resources of the Internet about traumatizing athletes in different countries of the world. Injuries of joints are predominant (38%, trauma of soft tissues comprise 31%, fractures make up 9%, luxation takes place in 4% of cases. Due to occupational diseases and injuries high-class athletes have to skip from 7 to 45% of training sessions and from 5 to 35% of competition starts. Results and discussion. According to the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, most injuries are the ankle and knee joints. In the US ambulances, for the year, were registered 239 943 injuries, of which 48 806 cases with fractures, 79 384 with gaps and stretching ligaments and tendons, and 5 401 cases of traumatic luxation. Analysis of traumatism during the training process allowed the selection of the following indicators: 1) improper organization of training sessions; 2) insufficient level of theoretical and practical training of the coach (qualification of the coach); 3) incorrectly drawn schedule of competitions (density of competitions without taking into account the time of moving, changes of time and climatic zones, etc.); 4) noncompliance with the rules of competition and low quality of refereeing; 5) inadequate sanitary and hygienic conditions for conducting training sessions; 6) unsatisfactory meteorological conditions; 7) lack of appropriate logistics. Conclusion. Prevention of sports injuries is not a purely medical problem. The prevention of sports injuries is based on the principles of injury prevention, taking into account the characteristics of certain sports. The results of this work should be further used for coordinated work between the athlete, the trainer, the physician, the physiotherapist and the entire team providing a sporting event to reduce the trauma in sport. We see prospects for further research in studying the etiology of sport injuries occurring on the example of athletes and the development of guidelines for their prevention.

Keywords: athletics, rugby, football, athletes, baseball, traumatism, sports

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