ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 39 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 262–268
Physical training and Sport. Reviews

Problems of Tactical Preparedness Control in Martial Sports

Briskin Yu. A., Zadorozhna O. R., Khomiak I. I.

The control of various aspects of preparedness takes an important place in the training system of athletes, regardless of the specificity of the sport. The control should be complex, including various components of the training process (operational, current and stage) and competitive activities. In martial arts special attention should be paid to the control of tactical preparedness as one of the most essential features. The purpose of the study was to determine the main problems of tactical preparedness control in martial arts. Material and methods. The method of theoretical analysis and generalization of literature and the Internet, and also analysis of documentary materials (protocols of competitions on fencing and boxing) was used to find out the problem of the chosen topic, to determine the object, purpose and justify the obtained results. Results and discussion. The results showed that there are a number of limitations during realization of control for athletes’ tactical preparation in various kinds of martial arts. They consist in the direction of the means, methods and forms of control to determination the level of tactical preparedness mainly in combination with the technical preparedness; disparities to various components of athletes’ tactical preparedness, which are in the priority of determining its quantitative characteristics and fragmental consideration of other components (tactical thinking, tactical knowledge). We detected a lack of the unified algorithm for control of tactical preparedness within the limits of certain types of martial arts. There is also a lack of clear criteria for assessing tactical preparedness at various stages of athletes’ long-term development. It is necessary to increase the reliability and verification of the forms, means and methods of control and self-control of tactical preparedness, which correspond to the specifics of training and competition activities in sports martial arts. Conclusion. The introduction of new control techniques that open up new prospective for the realization of the athletes’ individual capabilities largely depends on the coach’s skills and competence. In this context, the level of coach’s knowledge about the current trends in the chosen kind of sport, including approaches to improving the individual aspects of athletes' preparedness and their evaluation, is crucial.

Keywords: sports martial arts, tactical preparation, control, tactical preparation, problems

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