ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 35 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 238–242

Interconnection of the Memory Indicators and Central Nervous System Working Capacity in the Individuals from enhanced Radioecological Control Territories of the Sumy Region

Bilokur D.

The study characterizes the interrelation between individual indicators of short-term memory and mental performance of the central nervous system (hereinafter – CNS) of individuals from the territories of enhanced radioecological control of the Sumy region (4th radiation zone; density of 137-Cs isotope from 1 to 5 Кі/km2). The purpose of the study was to establish interconnection of the indicators of short-term memory and working capacity of the central nervous system in persons from territories of enhanced radioecological control of the Sumy region. Material and methods. The study involved 160 people aged 18-35 who were divided into a control group (80 people) and a research group (80 people). We used the generally accepted research methods for indicators of short-term memory, and the level of working capacity of the central nervous system. We also performed statistical data processing. The study was carried out in accordance with bioethical norms in compliance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Results and discussion. After analyzing the results of the research on the definition of the actual mental performance, we noticed a reverse correlation between the following indicators: short-term semantic memory, visual memory of words, auditory memory of words and the number of errors; semantic memory and the number of characters that need to be deleted; auditory memory for words, semantic memory and the total number of characters. According to the obtained results there arise direct correlation bonds between the values of the total number of signs, the number of correctly marked characters, the number of characters to be deleted, the coefficient of mental productivity, the volume of visual information and the visual memory indicator for numbers; the coefficient of tasks accuracy and the indicator of visual memory of words. In the task of determining the level of performance of the central nervous system with internal inhibition, there is a direct correlation between the indicators of the number of correctly marked characters, the number of characters that need to be deleted, the coefficient of accuracy of the tasks, the coefficient of mental productivity and indicators of semantic memory. We also observed direct correlation between the coefficient of accuracy of tasks execution, the coefficient of mental productivity and the indicator of visual memory for words; the indicator of stability of attention and the indicator of visual memory of numbers. Reverse correlations were found between the visual memory values by the number and number of errors. After analyzing the results of the research on determining the level of CNS performance with external and internal inhibition, it was found that direct correlation bonds occur between the number of errors, the coefficient of accuracy of the tasks, the coefficient of mental productivity and the indicator of auditory memory in numbers; between the indicator of the coefficient of accuracy of the tasks, the indicator of stability of attention and the indicator of visual memory on numbers. Reverse correlations were observed between the values of the total number of signs, the number of characters to be deleted, the number of errors, the volume of visual information and the indicator of semantic memory; between the coefficient of accuracy of tasks and the indicator of visual memory in numbers. The results are consistent with existing scientific data. Conclusion. In our opinion, the obtained results will complement the modern understanding of the impact of low-intensity prolonged exposure on the state of the psycho-physiological functions of persons living in the territories of enhanced radioecological control of Ukraine and Sumy, in particular. Prospects for further research. We consider that the results of further studies on the effects of chronic irradiation in small doses can serve to confirm or refute modern theories regarding stochastic and deterministic effects of prolonged low-intensity radiation on the human body, central nervous system and immune systems, in particular.

Keywords: central nervous system, psycho-physiological indicators, ionizing radiation, contaminated territories

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