ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 3 of 50
УЖМБС 2018, 3(7): 20–25
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Histological Features of the Structure of Uterine Wall of the Fetuses with a Gestation Age of 37-42 Weeks from Mothers with Pregnancies Complicated by Chronic Infection of the Lower Genital Tract

Kupriyanova L. S. 1, Kopytsia A. S. 2, Frolov V. V. 2, Zavizion O. S. 2, Ivaschenko D. S. 2, Lobanova V. D. 2, Ustinov R. S. 2

The complex of organometric, morphometric, histological and statistical research methods allowed establishing the structural features of the fetus uterus in gestational age of 37-42 weeks from mothers, whose pregnancy was complicated by chronic infection of the lower genital tract. A significant decrease in the mass, length and thickness of the fetuses in the main group was shown in accordance with those of the comparison group. Results and discussion. Histologically, it was established that the uterus wall of the fetuses of the studied groups was represented by three components, the boundary between which was expressed. Moreover, in all observations, myometrium predominated in the structure of fetuses wall. In the fetuses of the studied groups, myometrium was represented by three layers. However, in the miometry of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy, there was a violation of the structural organization of muscle fibers, as well as their thinning and wrinkling. The morphometric method established a significant decrease in the endometrial thickness and perimetry in the structure of the uterine wall of fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancies in comparison with those of fetuses from healthy mothers. Along with this, changes in the glandular component of the endometrium were determined. They were as follows: a decrease in the number of glands, as well as their insufficient distribution within the layers of the endometrium. Myometrial vessels of the uterus of fetuses from mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract with thickened walls, moderated blood supply. While the uterus vessels of the fetuses from healthy mothers were thin-walled, full-blooded. Thus, the histological method showed a violation in the formation of functional activity of the endometrium and the structural organization of the myometrium in the uterus of fetuses from mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract. The described changes in the structure of the uterine wall of fetuses from mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract were due to chronic hypoxia, as well as the action of an infectious agent during pregnancy. Conclusions. The described features of the structure of the uterus of the fetus in gestational age of 37-42 weeks from mothers with complicated pregnancies in further ontogenesis can lead to disruption of fertilization processes and the development of primary infertility.

Keywords: ovary, follicle, fetus, pregnancy, chronic infection, germinative function, lower genital tract

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