According to the WHO, cardiovascular diseases are the most common pathology in the world. There is a growing tendency to the prevalence of hypotensive reactions in young adults. However, the clarification of mechanisms of development of arterial hypotension is given much less attention than the study of the pathogenesis of hypertension. Regulation of cardiovascular system is provided by the interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system which supplies reflex regulatory control of visceral functions during physical or intellectual body activity. That adapting to the new complex factors affecting the body is a complex multi-social and psycho-physiological process and is accompanied by considerable tension of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms provoking high risk of health problems. Currently there are different points of view regarding diagnostic criteria for arterial hypotension. There is also no clear classification of low blood pressure, depending on the peculiarities of regulation, response to stress factors and depending on the individual-typological features of young people with low blood pressure. In this context, it is extremely important to understand what should be taken as a lower limit of normal pressure, which still satisfies the metabolic needs of the organism, and leads to an effective short-term adaptation of the CVS and the body as a whole to stress. Compared with many other disorders of the functioning of the CVS, arterial hypotension seems to be at first glance a harmless malaise, but still low pressure significantly impairs the quality of life. In addition, constantly lowered blood pressure can lead to the development of more serious violations of the various systems of the body. It is known that hypertensive crises are severer, if formed on the background of hypotension. Such patients have many complications. The pathology is worse exposed to normal antihypertensive therapy. It is also known more about unfavorable course of coronary heart disease and disturbance of microcirculation in patients with hypotension, resulting in formation of intravascular thrombosis of coronary and cerebral arteries, which leads to long-term performance violations. Importantly, in state of rest several disorders in people with hypotension are almost imperceptible and the usual routine inspections do not allow people with hypertension to allocate a separate group risk of CVS disorders and conduct targeted measures for them. Taking into account these circumstances, the greatest interest is the study of early signs of violation of the CVS and adaptive capabilities in general, which substantiates the urgency of the problem and makes necessary its detailed study.
Keywords: arterial hypotension, prevalence of arterial hypotension, diagnostic criteria, regulation of blood pressure, adaptation
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