ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 6 of 61
УЖМБС 2018, 3(5): 36–40
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Chemiluminescent Studying of Nitro-Peroxides in Placental Structures in Chorionamnionitis and Basal Deciduitis in Pregnant Women with Iron Deficiency Anemia

Ilika V. V., Davydenko I. S.

Free radicals, most of which are reactive oxygen compounds, are significant factors of oxidative stress. Nitro-peroxide is the most aggressive and "long-lived" one, which makes it suitable for morphological study. The chemiluminescent method is recommended as the most suitable one. The purpose of the study was to conduct a quantitative study of the intensity of nitro-peroxide fluorescence using the chemiluminescent method with luminolum in the placenta structures with combined inflammation of the afterbirth with iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. Material and methods. A total of 198 placentas were studied. The chemiluminescent method was performed on frozen sections of the placenta. Chemiluminescence was initiated by luminol. On received digital copies of the image, in the computer program environment quantitative measurements of luminescence were performed by computer estimation of the intensity of the glow on a scale with 256 degrees – from "0" to "255". Student's test was used to determine the reliability of the difference between the mean values. The probability level p≤0.05 was used to accept or reject the statistical hypothesis. Results and discussion. The quantitative parameters showed that quantitative indices of chemiluminescent glow of nitro-peroxides were statistically higher than those of physiological pregnancy only in the endothelial cells of the blood vessels of the placenta chorionic plate. In all investigated forms of chorionamnionitis and basal deciduitis, on average, chemiluminescence of nitroperoxides increased compared with physiological pregnancy and iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women without inflammation. Comorbid iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy intensifies chemiluminescent glow only with chronic inflammation, and compared with the placenta from the childbirth of physiological pregnancy and iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy with all forms of placental inflammation, the quantitative values of the nitro-peroxide glow were statistically significant. In the acute and chronic basal deciduitis with high probability, the average quantitative values of the nitroperoxides glow intensity increased in comparison with the placenta of physiological pregnancy and iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. When inflammation was combined with iron deficiency anemia the values were also statistically higher than in comparison groups and higher than in inflamed placentas without anemia. Conclusions. Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy intensified the glow of nitro-peroxides only in the endothelial cells of the chorionic plate blood vessels. In endothelial cells of the chorionic and basal plates of the placenta in all forms of the placental inflammation, the intensity of chemiluminescence of nitro-peroxides on the average increased, and comorbid iron deficiency anemia affected the intensification only in chronic inflammation. In deciduocytes of the placenta basal plate, both in acute and chronic basal deciduitis, the intensity of the nitro-peroxides glow was statistically higher, and with even greater probability when combined with anemia in pregnancy.

Keywords: nitro-peroxides, radicals, placental inflammation, iron deficiency in pregnancy

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