ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
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УЖМБС 2018, 3(4): 161–168
View of a problem

The Value of Experimental Research in Improving the Effectiveness of Conservative Therapy and Rehabilitation of Patients with Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System

Makolinets V. I. 1, Malyshkina S. V. 2, Leontieva F. S. 2, Naboichenko O. A. 2, Makolinets K. V. 2, Graschenkova T. M. 2, Subbota I. A. 2

The problem of conducting experimental animal studies with the use of properly performed experimental models of the necessary pathology (osteoarthrosis, osteoarthritis) is considered in the paper, which allows answering a number of unresolved questions regarding conservative restorative treatment in patients with orthopedic profile. Material and methods. Morphological studies were performed on 80 white laboratory rats of 3 months of age, body weight (250 ± 15) g. Six series of experiments were conducted: 1 series – injection of physiological solution in the knee joint of rats (10 rats); 2nd series – osteoarthritis modeling (15 rats); 3 series – modeling of osteoarthritis, treatment of animals with peloids (15 rats); 4 series – osteoarthrosis modeling (15 rats); 5 series – modeling of osteoarthritis, treatment of animals with peloids (15 rats); 6 series – intact animals (10 rats). Modeling of non-specific osteoarthritis in the knee joint was performed by 2-fold injection (for 2 days) of an oil solution of vitamin A (at the rate of 13.76 mg of vitamin A per kg body weight). Results and discussion. The experimentally obtained data are the basis for the development of effective therapies and rehabilitation techniques – ultrasound, low intensity infrared laser radiation, peloid therapy, glucosamine combination and diclofenac sodium with physiotherapy. Morphological peculiarities of articular cartilage organization after modeling of gonarthrosis and treatment with low intensity infrared laser irradiation, diclofenac sodium and glucosamine hydrochloride with different sequence of their use were as follows: under the influence of laser irradiation and due to the effect of applied pharmaceuticals, activation of regenerative processes in articular cartilage – restoration of it surface area, appearance of young large chondroblasts in the cambial zone. In this case, there are also those degenerative-destructive changes of cartilage tissue that were caused by the long-term effects of dexamethasone. It is likely that for this observation period we applied the complex approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis. We could not eliminate all those negative changes that have arisen in the articular cartilage of model animals. But the trend noted by us for the restoration of articular cartilage from the surface of it indicates, first of all, the effectiveness of the use of NILV in the complex treatment of osteoarthritis. Conclusions. One of the possible ways to solve these problems is to conduct pilot studies on in-depth study of issues that will allow us making the best decision on choosing an effective therapeutic factor and treatment method and thereby significantly improve the results of restorative therapy for orthopedic patients.

Keywords: experiment, research, rats, physical factors, medical preparations, efficiency of restoration therapy

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