ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 30 of 45
УЖМБС 2018, 3(4): 156–160

Therapeutic Efficiency of Cyclopheron in Treating Recurrent Herpesistic Stomatitis in Adolescents

Khmil O., Khmil D.

In the last decade the clinic widely uses cyclophorone, stimulating the synthesis of endogenous interferons (IFN). Under the influence of cycloferon, immunocompetent cells initiate the development of early IFN. It is believed that after cupping of acute events it is advisable to use IFN inductors to stimulate the processes of immune protection and seroconversion activation. The purpose of the study was to study the therapeutic efficacy of cycloferon in the treatment of recurrent herpetic stomatitis, the development of treating regimen for adolescents with varying severity of recurrent herpetic stomatitis. Material and methods. We examined 20 adolescents aged 12 to 16 years for 36 months: 10 of them (control group) are healthy; in 10 - a recurrent herpetic stomatitis was diagnosed. To assess the state of local immunity in the oral cavity, the content of secretory IgA (sSigA), IgA, IgG, as well as the level of lysozyme and the concentration of β-lysines in the oral fluid was determined in all groups of patients both before and after treatment. Results and discussion. Patients with recurrent herpetic stomatitis were treated with cycloferon in a tablet form according to the scheme, depending on the age and severity of the disease. In addition 5% liniment of cycloferon was applied 3-5 times a day for 5-7 days to the affected areas during the exacerbation. Analysis of the results showed that the occurrence and development of the main manifestations of recurrent herpetic stomatitis on the oral mucosa, the number of periods of exacerbations and their duration, as well as the duration of remission are associated with a change in the state of local immunity in the mouth of adolescents. Conclusions. The obtained results testify to the expressed immunocorrecting properties of cycloferon, which stimulates the defense mechanisms of the oral cavity, rationally and effectively affecting its immune status, which allows resisting viral and microbial aggression. The high efficacy of cycloferon in both tableted dosage form and 5% liniment as an emergency therapy for relapsing herpetic stomatitis was experimentally proved, with an increase in the level of sIgA and IgG, lysozyme and β-lysine. Analysis of clinical and immunological parameters demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed treatment regimen in case of recurrent herpetic stomatitis.

Keywords: teenagers, recurrent herpetic stomatitis, cycloferon

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