ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 9 of 22
УЖМБС 2017, 2(7): 47–52
Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Physical Loadings of Servicemen in Modern Fight

Romanchuk S. 1, Roliuk O. 1, Vorontsov O. 2, Yavorskii A. 1

The article reveals the materials as for the physical loadings which a serviceman deals with in modern troop fight. The peculiarities of loadings on servicemen during attack and defense of lines of some kinds of troops are also revealed. The article exposes the problems of high-quality preparation of servicemen to military-professional activity and especially to battle activity. It is detected that military-professional activity of servicemen takes place on the ground of considerable physical and psychological loadings. It is found out that the operating system of physical training in Armed Forces of Ukraine uses not enough effectively facilities which are on an armament for forming of psychological readiness of servicemen to actions in difficult conditions. It is grounded that for effective correction of psychological readiness of servicemen while overcoming physical loading it is necessary to take into account such recommendations as rising psychological activity by means of external influence and methods of stimulation, using of exercises which contain the elements of novelty, danger, and also exercises, related to the necessity to operate in the conditions of the physical and psychical loadings and others like that. The analysis of the scientific studies and researches allowed us to ground and form the program of correction of psychological readiness of servicemen of airmobile troops while overcoming of obstacles in modern fight. Application of the authorial program allowed promoting the level of general and special physical preparedness, to correct the level of psychological readiness of servicemen to the actions in the conditions of physical and psychological loadings.

Keywords: troop fight, combat training, physical training, servicemen

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