ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 7 of 22
УЖМБС 2017, 2(7): 37–41
Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

The Influence of Special Physical Training on the Servicemen-Operators’ Psychophysiological Qualities Level

Korchagin М. V. 1, Kubrakova S. M. 2, Olkhovyі O. M. 1

In their research, scientists note, that during a 24-hour duty in conditions of grounded command posts, there is a marked deterioration of health in the background of fatigue, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency and reliability of the combat missions. The professional activity of operator's profile places high demands to the psychophysiological qualities of a person. The speed of information perception plays an important role in the activity of servicemen-operators. Many researchers use concentration of attention as an indicator of mental performance of a person. Depending on the nature and algorithm of the work, the operator demands high requirements to short-term (operational) memory. According to the researchers, during the period of combat duty there is a marked deterioration in the psychophysiological qualities of servicemen-operators. One of the means of maintaining the professional ability level is the implementation of physical exercise complexes. The purpose of the research is to determine the influence of special physical training on the level of psychophysiological qualities of military personnel of the Air Forces in conditions of combat duty. Prior to the survey, servicemen-operators (n = 43) of the command posts of the Air Forces of Ukraine were involved. Psychodiagnostic methods were used to solve the research tasks. According to the results of the research, there is the influence of special physical training on the servicemen-operators’ psychophysiological qualities level during 24 hours of combat duty. It was determined that the indicators of psychophysiological qualities level increased during the three-year experiment. The results were as follows: the speed of information perception increased by 5,2 % (p<0,001), short-term (operational) memory by 7,6 % (p<0,001), attention concentration by 17,4 % (p<0,001). This fact indicates the expediency of using physical exercise complexes to maintain the servicemen-operator’s professional ability to work.

Keywords: servicemen-operator, psychophysiological qualities, assessment of professional activity

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