The sporting result of middle distance runners is predominantly determined by the level of functional fitness of athletes, which, in turn, varies considerably depending on the construction of the training process at various stages of preparation, in particular, in the pre-race microcycle. At present, there is a sufficiently consolidated view that the level of functional readiness is estimated by such important integral indicators as the maximum oxygen consumption, the maximum oxygen duty, the maximum content of lactic acid in the blood, which reflects the power of energy supply systems. However, in order to assess the adequacy of the construction of the training process, it is also necessary to take into account other indicators of the athletes' functional capabilities, namely: mobility, stability, profitability, and implementation. The modern system of training in sports of higher achievements causes profound functional changes in the activity of the entire body of the athlete. The main reason for this is the fact that in order to achieve high results, athletes for many years go in for trainings changing volume and intensity of training in different orientations. Its influence leads to an increase in the efficiency of athletes due to the achievement of a certain level of functioning basic for a particular type of activity, limiting the growth of physical capacity, systems of the organism. This is clearly seen in cyclic sports, aimed at endurance development (in particular, running on medium distances), in which the functional capabilities of the body to a large extent determine the sporting result. For assessing the level of functional preparedness of runners specializing on medium distances we should, first of all, take into account the level of power of aerobic and anaerobic systems of energy supply of the organism. An important component in the structure of aerobic productivity is the power of aerobic energy supply processes, the objective indicator of which is VO2max. Recently, researchers working on stimulating the physical performance of athletes with the help of nontraining means of different backgrounds, increase their interest in pharmacological means of metabolic action, in particular, on the basis of L-carnitine, which is involved in providing energy-generating processes during muscle activity. One of such modern medicines is Agvantar (in the form of a solution for oral application), the active substance of which is precisely L-carnitine. However, Agvantar has not been used in the training of athletes until now, and changes in the indicators of physical fitness in this aspect remain unexplored. In the study of the effectiveness of Agvantar's influence on the changes in the physical readiness of runners on average distances, 33 qualified (first-rate runners and candidates for the masters of sports of Ukraine) took part. These are athletes with an average age of 20.2 ± 2.3 years old in the dynamics of pre-anxiety microcycle. The athletes were divided by random sampling on 2 equal groups (16 persons), age and qualification of the group were the main. These athletes took the medicine for 14 days orally three times a day, 10 ml per 30 minutes prior to meals, and placebo control (3% glucose solution). Physical performance, mainly with aerobic power supply of muscle activity was studied by bicycle ergometry, focusing on changes in the indicator PWC170. The aerobic performance of the organism was determined according to the values of VO2max. The results of the studies have shown that Agvantar, in its course application, contributes to the development of not very significant but credibly meaningful changes in absolute values of PWC170 and VO2max compared with the data of the control group athletes who used placebo. As for the relative values of PWC170 and VO2max, there was only a tendency to increase these parameters. The authors attribute changes in the functional readiness of medium distance runners under the influence of Agvantar with a known positive effect of L-carnitine on the parameters of the erythrocytic layer of blood and the corresponding improvement of its oxygen-transport function. The obtained data substantiate expediency of inclusion of a metabolic medicine Agvantar in schemes of athletes’ pharmacological support with mainly an aerobic mechanism of energy supply of muscular activity.
Keywords: middle-distance runners, physical performance, functional preparedness, metabolic drug Agvantar
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