ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 37 of 39
УЖМБС 2017, 2(6): 178–182

Cellular Structure Dynamics of the Hypophysically-Adrenal System of White Mice in Stressed Condition

Коzij M., Grichenko G., Silenko A.

Nowadays the problem of stress is acute from the perspective of increasing loads on ecosystems. Adaptation of vertebrate animals to stress factors is manifested as a nonspecific hormonal reaction to adenohypophysis. In optimal and simulated stress conditions (temperature range: -3oC -6oC; -10oC; total experiment time: 0.5 hours; exposure time: 10 minutes). 20 sexually mature male white mice were examined. An intact and experimental group were formed. An increase in the intensity of the stress load on the body contributes to an increase in the number of corticotropes. The change in the balance of cell populations in conditions of short cold stress is associated with the need to stimulate ACTH activity of the adrenal cortex. Execution of the trabecular cavities by chromophiles allows indicating the activation of the liberins and statins transport of the hypothalamus to target cells. Under the influence of stress factor, the histological picture of the cells of the columnar zone changes. The cytoplasm of columnar zone individual cells acquires achromatic features. This indicates the presence of hormone precursors in the endocrine cells. The intensity of stress loads affects the rate of maturation and the amount of hormone produced. Increase in the secretory activity of the columnar zone cells of the adrenal gland determines the change in their linear dimensions. Changes in the parameters of cells and nuclei (17.1, 11.4, 19.9 μm2 and 0.5, 0.1, 2.2 μm2), as well as cytoplasm (16.6, 11.2 μm2 and 17.8 μm2) reliably provokes a shift in the values of the NLC. The secretory cells activity provoked by adrenocorticotropic hormone can cover all areas of the columnar zone of the cortex of the adrenal gland. However, clusters of cells with mature lipid inclusions are fixed locally. The small volume of functional loci in the columnar zone of the cortex of the adrenal gland reflects the microprint optimality of the individual reaction of the adenohypophysis and the target organ for a short-term effect of the stress factor. This indicates a developed adaptation of the body to the stress factor. The results of quantitative histological studies can be used to manage the processes of organism’s adaptation to stressors.

Keywords: stress, adenohypophysis, adrenal gland

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