ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(5): 195–197
Physical training and sport. Sport psychology

Specifics of Young Gymnasts’ Psychological State (10-12 Years)

Shalar O., Strikalenko E., Novokshanova A.

The purpose of the study is to define the specifics of young gymnasts’ psychological conditions. The features of temperament, situational and personal anxiety, as well as emotional state of athletes have been studied. Materials and methods. Young gymnasts of 10-12 years of the Kherson city circus studio took part in the study. Results: 60% of extraverted girls, 30% of moderate introverts and 10% of significant introverts were identified. Also 80% of young gymnasts had an emotional stamina. It is established that 90% of girls have an average level of personal anxiety and only 20% have a high level of situational anxiety. Indicators of emotionality in young gymnasts, namely: excitability, intensity and duration – in 60% of cases were at the average level. Negative influence of emotions on the activity effectiveness and communication in 60% of girls was revealed at a low level. Conclusions. The results of the study indicated that among the young gymnasts (10-12 years old), extroverts with average levels of personal and situational anxiety prevail, with average indices of emotionality and a low indicator of the negative influence of emotions on the effectiveness of activity. It should be noted that such results are evident for a wide range of children who have been engaged in a common place, with long-known children (as in our case – more than 3 years), took part in competitions and had a rest together. Such results show that children feel absolutely free and confident as a team, as well as in sports and artistic activities.

Keywords: young gymnasts, temperament, anxiety, emotionality

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