Improvement of pedagogical skills in a high school is one of the most important tasks for the modern educational modernization. Future doctors’ training presupposes reliable digestion and retention in memory of the large information volume, which is necessary for their further professional activity. Different students learn anatomy in different ways. Most adopt a style that is the result of several attempts to develop a successful strategy, and that leads to a consolidated body of knowledge that can be applied successfully in a clinical context. The purpose of the research was to examine the selection of anatomy teaching methods and to ensure their efficiency for mentoring students to the terms and conditions of the educational process in a medical university. Materials and methods. The study and analysis of local and foreign literature sources was conducted. Art-based approaches to teaching and learning add new dimensions to the educational environment and to the students’ experience. Its main advantage is the creation of so called “learning landmarks”: vivid experiences which are memorable and which provide access to the educational content associated within that context. In particular, students acquire a good understanding of dimensions and positions of anatomical structures using this method while studying. One of the methods widely used in educational process is mnemonics – the set of methods and techniques, facilitating memorizing and increasing memory volume by creation of artificial associations. Mnemonics use permits to transfer information to forms, easily retained in the long-term memory. It should be noted, that only small percentage of required information may be remembered with logic links assistance. The most part of it does not lend itself to logical systematization. By means of these methods emotional memory is developed, which preserves sensations, feelings, emotional coloring of events, and determines the ability to experience situations which seem to have been forgotten. The anatomy demonstrator has traditionally been a medically qualified individual, with some clinical experience and who completed a training to become a surgeon, anesthesiologist, or radiologist. The clinically trained anatomy demonstrator is placed to highlight to students the importance of integrating clinically relevant anatomy into their learning, and is recognized by students. Using such an approach allows students to realize the importance and relevance of anatomy knowledge in their later learning and practice. Team-based learning is a student-centered instructional strategy that allows one instructor to facilitate a large class. This helps to ensure that students develop highly functioning teams. Students are held individually accountable for their own preparation and contribution to team performance, receive immediate and frequent feedback about their performance. Finally, assignments are designed to promote learning and team development. Conclusions. Students can be engaged in the learning process by a variety of learning styles. New integrative teaching methods have to be ancillary and complement the anatomy education and the lecture experience. The modern way of anatomy teaching encompasses these paths as well as the most advanced teaching and learning techniques that comprehend the most efficacious pedagogic methods proven to maximize the teacher’s activity and the learner’s performance. For students, four main objectives require feedback during the anatomy course as well as upon completion: consistent demonstration of professional and ethical behavior, effective communication, display of effective teamwork and display of leadership.
Keywords: anatomy, learning styles, pedagogics, students
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