ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 25 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(5): 120–126
Hygiene and Ecology

Estimation of Carcinogenic Risks of Drinking Water Consumption in the Cities of Dnipro and Kamyan'sk

Zaitsev V. V.1, Rublevskaya N. I.1, Krasota T. V.2, Bannikova Y. V.2, Pidberezns I. І.2

To provide 80% of the population of Ukraine with drinking water, they use superficial water sources of commercial drinking water supply. Thus, the water quality has deteriorated in recent years. The most significant among a variety of reasons for the unsatisfactory state of water sources in Ukraine is the discharge of sewage. Insufficiently cleaned or untreated sewage pollute water sources with organic substances, suspended particles, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, simple cysts, viruses, eggs of worms. To ensure epidemic safety of drinking water, disinfection is used. The most common method is chlorination. In the interaction of water organic substances with compounds of chlorine form a number of organochlorine substances (HOC), among which 75% is chloroform. The risk of a number of HOCs, such as carbon tetrachloride, bromochloromethane, dibromochloromethane, chloral hydrate, is associated with their pronounced cumulative properties. Some HOS have the ability to cause the most adverse effects of all remote effects, the development of malignant tumors. It has been proved that humans are the most toxic carcinogens for human HF, carbon tetrachloride, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, bromodichloromethane, which are classified in group 2B according to the classification of the International Organization for Research on Cancer. For conducting this research we used data regarding the content of chloroform in the water of the water source, water from the reservoir of pure water of the pump-filtering station, providing the population with drinking water. Hygienic estimation and calculation of carcinogenic risk for the population of Dnipro and Kamianske cities has been carried out.

Keywords: drinking tap water, chlororganic compounds, chloroform, cancer risk

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