ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(3): 187–193

Morphological Factors’ Influence on the Level of Blood Pressure in Young Women

Lutsenko O. I.

Many studies describe the connection between the physical development indexes and cardiovascular system functioning. At the same time, links between morphological parameters and blood pressure in healthy young women is not studied enough. The purpose of the study is to establish the influence of morphological factors on blood pressure in young women in different phases of ovarian-menstrual cycle. Materials and methods. 77 women aged 18-19 were tested in the prone position during tilt-test and during the test of psycho-emotional stress. Each woman was tested three times: in follicular, ovulation and luteal phases of ovarian-menstrual cycle. Systolic and diastolic AP were measured using Korotkov auscultation method for the mercury tonometer. Mean arterial pressure was calculated using Hickam formula. Anthropometric indices were measured with taking into account V.V. Bunak's publication. All results of anthropometric studies were calculated using the methods of variation statistics. One of the factors that may cause the variation in levels as well as blood pressure reactivity in women in different phases of the OMC and under the different conditions is their morphological characteristics. The factor analysis in order to determine the influence of morphological parameters on blood pressure was also conducted. As the results of such analysis three factors with eigenvalues that exceed 1 were allocated. According to analysis results of the blood pressure in women with different levels of muscular component and histogram distribution relative weight of muscular component it was shown that there are several typological groups in the study sample. At the component level of 37,25-38,25% AРmid significant changes were observed both in the second and third phases. In tilt test for the level of muscular component ˃38,25% it was observed the following: at component level 37,25-38,25% the significant changes of AРmid were observed both in the second and third phases. For the level of muscular component ˃38,25% the significant changes of AРmid weren't observed. Under the condition of the psycho-emotional stress the levels of AРmid changed only in the second phase at the level of the muscular component ˂37,25% compared with the phase I. Conclusions. It was established that during rest time and during psycho-emotional stress average blood pressure in women changes in the second and third phases of the OC in comparison with the phase I. According to histogram analysis of the relative weight distribution of muscular component in healthy young women in the study, the several typological groups sample revealed. The changes of average pressure in the second and third phases of the OMC in comparison with the phase I in women with different levels of muscular component lying at rest and during tilt test was observed.

Keywords: blood pressure, ovarian-menstrual cycle, typology, muscular component

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