ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 6 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(1): 37–41
Experimental Medicine

Imunomorphological Changes in Experimental Inflammatory Process which is Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Popov M. M., Mishina M. M., Malanchuk S. G.

Septic processes which are caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa present serious threat. Etiological role of the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa has grown from 2 to 47% in the development of nosocomial infections. The treatment of patients with pyocyanic infection is complicated on the one hand by multiresistance of pathogen to most antibacterial drugs, on the other hand – by immunodeficient state of the patient. The aim of the given paper is the establish peculiarities of immunomorphological state with the definition of relative volume of the main immune cells clones in inflammatory infiltrate of peripheral immune system organs of experimental animals in purulent-inflammatory process which is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Materials and methods. The experimental study was carried out on 30 mice of C57Bl/6JSto of inbred lines. Immunomorphological study was carried out on paraffin slices of 5-6 µm thickness by Koons indirect method according to Brosman practice. Immune cells were differentiated with the help of monoclonal antibodies. The preparations were studied with the help of ML-2 fluorescence microscope with optical filters. Results. During immunomorphological state study it was found out that lymphoid follicles of spleen were hyperplastic with centers revealing on account of lymphocytes displacement by plasmacytes and plasmablasts with intense Brachet reaction in cytoplasm. Immunohystochemically both T- and B-lymphocytes were found in spleen. Т-lymphocytes (CD3, CD4, CD8) are localized mainly in periarterial zones of follicles as well as in red pulp of spleen. В - lymphocytes (CD45RA) – are found in light centers of follicles, mantle zones of follicles as well as in red pulp. In all spleen zones macrophages, monocytes (ED1) were found. G and M immunoglobulins cells-producers were also found as well as ІL-1β, ІL-6, TNF, ІL-2RL, ІL-4 interleukins. During lymph nodes microscopic study plasmablast-macrophage transformation of hyperplastic lymphatic follicles was marked. Pronounced proliferation and desquamation of sinus cells elements remain. Immunohistochemical study revealed zoning in T- and B-lymphocytes location in various morphofunctional zones of lymph nodes. Thus, T-lymphocytes (CD3, CD4, CD8) were mostly in cortex paracortical zone as well as in medullary substance, while В - lymphocytes (CD45RA) – were found both in cortex and in medullary substance. Irrespectively the node zone macrophages, monocytes (ED1), immunoglobulin G and М cells-producers were found as well as ІL-1β, ІL-6, TNF, ІL-2RL, ІL-4 interleukins. Likewise in spleen the macrophage reaction, plasmablast transformation and cytokine reaction degree of manifestation were regarded as high. Prospects for further research. This investigation gives tendency to elaborate complex therapy for the rehabilitation of immunocompetent cells level and factors of nonspecific resistance with the use of immunomodulators and cytokinocorrectors in purulent-inflammatory process caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Keywords: septic process, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, immune cells

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