ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 20 of 50
УЖМБС 2016, 1(2): 92–98

Violations of Homoeostasis and Stratified Risk Assessment of Complications of Exposition Lead

Karlova E.A., Yavorovsky A.P., Solokha N. V., Kuzminskaya E.V.

Lead a priority and global specific pollutant environment, since this metalhas a fairly broad in scope in various sectors of the economy and everyday life, as well as large volumes of production and world trade, which makes its arrival at the objects of environment, where it applies to considerable distances from pollution sources. High toxicity lead idée and ability to accumulating pose a real threat to the penetration of metal in the human body different ways with the further development of various toxic effects, including the remote and irreversible 15,200 damage the genome of cells. In connection with this problem harm to human health has global importance and concerns not only the production activity of people, but also all spheres of its functions. Materials and Methods. The object of the research were 203 persons, males, age 38-47 years. 146 electricians of cable nets was included to the main group and 57 engineering technicians – to the control group. The workers of the main group during the last 8-10 years and no less than 80% of the working time were exposed by lead during performance of basic technological operations connected with the laying, maintenance and repair of ground and underground power transmission lines, as well as mounting and soldering cable ends and couplings, liner auxiliary cable in put sand transformers. Medium value of the maximum single-lead concentrations in the air of the working area exceeded the limits in 1.4-1.8 times. The workers of the control group as usually had no contact with harmful production factors in the working environment. The patients of main and control groups were representative by age and sex to compare them in the future. All employees of the main group passed the periodic medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 21.05.07, № 246 in “Medical Sanitary part number 18 of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. The patients were divided in to 3 groups depending on the content of leadin the blood. To the 1st group includes persons which classified as dangerous (dangerous to health) levels of blood lead - 2,12 ± 0,013 mcmol/l; to the second group (the permissible level of lead from severe asthenic – vegetative symptoms) - 1,92 ± 0,013 mсmol/l; to the 3rd group (allowable levels of lead with some symptoms of asthenic syndrome) - 1,72 ± 0,028 mсmol/l. Results.The dissertation is devoted the studying of the actual problem of preventive medicine fo rearly diagnosis microsaturnism. The work examines the effects of leadon the formation of professional risk on the health of employees who professionally contact with lead. Determined early preclinical markers of the violation homeostatic functions, including the immune system. The features of formation of endothelial dysfunction, vascular immunoinflammatory response and structural changes in the internal organs in the professional lead exposure were studied. The pathogenetic mechanisms of formation of intoxication by lead were substantially supplemented by a study of mechanisms of occurrence and formation of the toxemia. New approaches have been developed and recommended for early diagnosis of homeostatic functions of workers who exposed by lead, and allow determine the individual risk of the development of microsaturnism and make timely the proposed set of preventive health – improving measures that aim ed at preserving the health of workers. Conclusions. On the basis of received their results and generalization of existing practices developed and recommended new approaches (chart preventive treatment – recreational measures and algorithm of doctor) on earlier diagnosis of infringements homeostatic body functions of workers, exhibited lead, which allow to determine individual risk degree of microsaturism and in proper time of fered a set of measures aim ed at the main tainance of health workers. We obtained data may be shared too ther enterprises, where the employees professionally come in to contact with with lead.

Keywords: lead, toxemia, professional risk, prevention, diagnosis. saturnism

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